YOUR IEP By Anita Breen
What is an IEP? I ndividualized E ducation P lan
Individualized Means… The plan is designed just for you. –You are the center of focus –Your needs are considered –Your plan is one of a kind
Education means… This plan is designed to help you be successful in school –Participate in: General academic curriculum Extracurricular activities Nonacademic activities
Plan Means… This plan contains a design for your educational goals –How you will be assessed –Setting goals and objectives –What accommodations and modifications you need –Where you will receive services –How much special education time you will receive
Team Players Include.. Your parents Your regular education teacher Your special education teacher Your principal or someone who is knowledgeable about the curriculum Someone that can interpret your test results Anyone else who knows about other services you need And YOU!! Especially if you are 14 or older
The IEP must include… Your present levels of performance –Strengths –Weaknesses –How your disability affects your involvement and progress in the general curriculum
The IEP must include… A statement of measurable annual goals (including benchmarks or short-term objectives) –Goals (based on your needs) that you will achieve during the IEP year –How those goals will be measured (how the team will know if you met those goals) –How long it will take you to achieve the goals –If you need to work towards those yearly goals by meeting a few short-term objectives along the way –How your parents will be informed of your progress –How often we will inform your parents of your progress At least as often as your non-disabled peers
The IEP must include… All special education, related services, supplementary aids and services, and modifications to your program –What special education services you will receive –Related Services Therapy (occupational, physical, speech) Counseling –Accommodations/modifications you are entitled to Calculators Extra time Different setting to complete work or take tests Have text read to you Any others that will help you be successful
The IEP must include… The extent to which you will not participate with non-disabled peers –If you need to be taught a class directly in the special education classroom –Time when you are pulled from class for speech or another type of therapy –Any other time that you are not with your non-disabled classmates
The IEP must include… Whether or not you will participate in State or District Assessments –If you do, what accommodations or modifications you are entitled to –If you don’t, why it is not appropriate and how you will be assessed
The IEP must include… When you will start to receive services and modifications How often you will receive services –How many times a day, week, or month (5 times a week) Where you will receive those services –In your classroom, in the special education classroom, or in another place How long those services will last –How much time will it take (30 minutes)
The IEP must include… Transition services if you are 14 years of age or older –Your course of study –Agencies that can help you transition from high school into life after high school
You have the right to… A free and appropriate education To be “included” and educated with your peers To be educated in the least restrictive environment To receive all accommodations and modifications on your IEP To know your rights and stand up for them To have your voice heard