IEP COMPONENTS Student Document Details Special Alerts Parent/Guardian Committee Meeting or Agreement Information Decision Based on the Following Reports or Materials
IEP COMPONENTS Committee Follow Up Tasks Committee Recommendations Special Transportation Programs Related Services
IEP COMPONENTS Programs/Related Services Notations Private School (placed by parent) State Reporting Information State Aid Personnel Assignments
IEP COMPONENTS Program Modifications Testing Accommodations Participation in Local and State Assessments Extent of Participation in General Education Other Options Considered
IEP COMPONENTS Assistive Technology Supports for School Personnel Transcript Information (secondary only) How Disability Affects Performance Academic Achievement
IEP COMPONENTS Standardized Test Results State/Local Assessments Social Development Physical Development Management Needs Annual Goals
DRAFT IEPS FOR CSE Current functioning and individual needs from the initial or most recent evaluation –Unique needs –Strengths –What the student can and cannot do –How student’s progress is affected in general education –Parent concerns
DRAFT IEPS FOR CSE Instructional and behavioral supports that have been effective or ineffective Accommodations that have been effective or ineffective Instructional supports that would likely be used by the student
SPAMS=SOCIAL, PHYSICAL, ACADEMIC, MANAGEMENT AREAS Completed by all staff as appropriate Must use student’s name Individualized not just pull down statements on IEP Direct Begin with strengths For every need, there must be an annual goal to address the need
Break-out Session Go onto IEP Direct Review your students Review the SPAMS Complete the worksheet
Academic Achievement, Functional Performance and Learning Characteristics What is the student’s learning style? What skill is the student’s strength? What is the student’s current independent learning level? What does this child need in order to learn?
Social Development What type of relationship does this student have with his/her adults or peers? How does this student interact with others? Does this student have any difficulty meeting new people, making friends, or helping friends?
Social Development How does this student feel about himself? How does this student adjust socially to the school and community environment?
Physical Development Does this child have physical skills or limitations that pertain to the learning process? Are there motor, sensory, or health development concerns?
Physical Development Is fatigue a concern? What are the results of the latest physical, hearing and vision exams?
Management Needs Does this student benefit from small group instruction; cooperative learning groups; working independently? Does this student need: preferential seating; consistent room arrangement and seating assignment; consistent routine?
Management Needs Does this student require additional teacher or teaching assistant services? Does this student need daily assistance organizing material?
Services Are program modifications appropriate to the student’s participation in the gen. ed. curriculum? Are testing accommodations appropriate and realistic?
Annual Goals For every need is there a goal? For every testing accommodation is there a goal? Are there goals for which there are no needs? Is the criteria 2-4 weeks?
Committee on Special Education or Annual Review Progress Reports Review the questions looked at in staff development Review present levels of performance, skills, services, goals Annual goals should focus on strategies
Committee on Special Education or Annual Review Teacher reports Attendance Extra help General education services ESL Use of services
Committee on Special Education or Annual Review Classification Document Details Annual goals should change throughout the student’s school years CSE makes the decision as a team
IEP Amendments Letter to parent Amendment no meeting Parent agrees Amendment is applied to IEP BOE approval Parent is notified and provided copy