State Agency Transition Panel Patricia L. Anderson, Ph.D. Connecticut State Department of Education Bureau of Special Education
The referral to any adult agency or community service provider should be completed as early as possible prior to exiting special education This will ensure that agency personnel who could provide services and support for a student once he/she graduates are part of the planning process Agency Participation
Importance of Including Outside Agencies in Transition Planning Special education is an “entitlement” program Adult services are “eligibility” programs The capacity of adult systems cannot and do not match the services and supports that students receive under IDEA HOWEVER – LEAs are not obligated to provide transition services because of a lack of adult service provider resources.
Secondary Transition Outside/Participating Agency MUST be considered to be invited Evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency was invited to the PPT with prior written consent. (34 CFR Section (b)(3))
Importance of Including Outside Agencies in Transition Planning “Agency Participation” provides evidence that the PPT has considered whether a representative of an outside or participating agency/service is appropriate to be invited to participate in the transition planning process to inform the development of transition goals and services in a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP)
IDEA CT IEP Forms Transition Planning (pg. 6, #4a) Agency participation (34 CFR § (b)(3)) 1.) YES, with written consent 2.) NO, not appropriate to invite a representative from an outside agency; 3.) NO, written consent to invite a representative was not provided (inviting an outside agency may be appropriate but written consent was not granted); or 4.) NO, no outside agency was invited. (This was not done by the district.)* Item 4c provides a place for the PPT to describe any services or linkages that participating/outside agencies have agreed to provide. * Out of Compliance
Outside/Participating Agencies Postsecondary education Vocational education Integrated competitive employment (including supported employment) Independent living Community participation Adult services ◦ Bureau of Rehabilitative Services Board of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB) Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) ◦ Department of Developmental Services (DDS) ◦ Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS)
What other Outside Agencies would be important to contact?
SDE 2008 Post School Study Faggella-Luby (2009), UConn Contact With Agencies AgenciesN% Bureau of Rehabilitation Services Department of Developmental Services Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services141.7 Board of Education and Services for the Blind81.0 Department of Public Health2.2 Department of Social Services One Stop Centers141.7 Social Security Administration Other Agencies425.1 No Help Necessary Did Not Know Help was Available
BRS is committed to assisting students to facilitate the transition from school to work. It is important for school personnel, students and families to understand the role BRS counselors can play during the student’s school career: Determining student eligibility, initiating and completing the referral process prior to graduation; Getting to know the student and family so they are comfortable in maintaining a relationship with the BRS counselor after graduation; Participating in the IEP Team meeting during the last several years of high school to assist in developing appropriate transition goals and objectives; Consulting with staff, families and the students on approaches that promote employment experiences while the student is still in school; CT State Agencies –The Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS)
Consulting on curricula that will assist the student to prepare for employment, postsecondary education or training and independent living; Assisting the student and family to become familiar with, plan for and access needed adult service programs; Referring the student and family to advocacy organizations which can assist them to effectively advocate for needed services; and Developing an Employment Plan that specifies what services and supports BRS will provide directly upon graduation from high school and in some instances in conjunction with the school system prior to graduation. CT State Agencies – BRS
In order to ensure a smooth and successful transition, DDS must have a clear understanding of the student’s needs, at least two years prior to the end of their educational program. All DDS regions have transition coordinators who may be able to provide assistance as you navigate through the transition process. Transition Coordinators can: Provide written information regarding transition planning as well as DDS supports and services Partner with families, students, school systems and adult service agencies to plan for and prepare the student to transition from school to adult life. Assist in the preparation for transition by identifying the student’s projected level of support as it relates to vocational/day needs CT State Agencies – Department of Developmental Services (DDS)
In order to be eligible for DDS supports and services, a person must: Be a resident of Connecticut Demonstrate Intellectual and adaptive behavior deficits concurrently, which are present & occurred prior to the age of 18 Score 69 or lower on IQ tests or Provide a medical diagnosis of Prader-Willi Syndrome Be enrolled in the adult “Fee-for-Service/Straight” Title 19 Medicaid ***. This will also qualify them for DDS case management services Phone # for eligibility services DDS funding is based on eligibility and availability of resources. DDS funding is NOT a mandated service! CT State Agencies – DDS
Their mission is to provide quality educational and rehabilitative services to all people who are legally blind or deaf-blind and children who are visually impaired at no cost to our clients or their families. Braille instruction, Independent living and social development training, Provision of adaptive technology and textbooks, Transition from school to work services, Mentoring programs, and Consultation services to local school districts. CT State Agencies-Board of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB)
DMHAS promotes and administers comprehensive, recovery- oriented services in the areas of mental health treatment and substance abuse prevention and treatment throughout Connecticut. YAS provides specialized age and developmentally appropriate supports for young people, many of whom are transitioning out of the DCF system of care, and are diagnosed with a major mental illness. Referred between the Ages 18 – 21 (may be referred at 16) Services: Assist clients to develop viable and durable social support systems. Assist clients in the early phases of employment. Foster independent living and social skills. Providing continuity of care by not unilaterally rejecting or ejecting clients from our programs. CT State Agencies-Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS)- Young Adult Services (YAS)
AGENDA Introduction – State Department of Education RESC/SERC Transition Resource Counselor Initiative – Jo-Ellen Wickwire Bureau of Rehabilitation Services – Patti Clay Department of Developmental Services – Barbara Poplawski, Mary Stark, Robin Wood Board of Education and Services for the Blind – Mike Cordero, Barry Rita Department of Public Health/CYSHCN – Nordia Grant, Robin Tousey Ayers Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services – Mark Meola Questions & Answers