The Effect of Appreciative Inquiry as an Intervention on the Quality of IEP Meetings and on Transition Plans. The Effect of Appreciative Inquiry as an.


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Presentation transcript:

The Effect of Appreciative Inquiry as an Intervention on the Quality of IEP Meetings and on Transition Plans. The Effect of Appreciative Inquiry as an Intervention on the Quality of IEP Meetings and on Transition Plans. Peter L. Kozik Teaching and Curriculum Syracuse University Committee: Dr. Dennis Gilbride Dr. Corinne Smith Dr. Corinne Smith Dr. Joe Shedd Dr. Joe Shedd

Research Questions 1) What is the effect of Appreciative Inquiry on the quality of interactions during CSE meetings? 2) What is the effect of Appreciative Inquiry on the quality of written transition plans in IEP documents?

Quality in IEP meetings is defined as the percentage of: (a) student turn-taking among different participants, (a) student turn-taking among different participants, (b) positive remarks, (vs.) negative remarks (b) positive remarks, (vs.) negative remarks (c) remarks communicating information and observation, (vs.) opinion (c) remarks communicating information and observation, (vs.) opinion (d) student self-advocacy remarks, and (d) student self-advocacy remarks, and (e) remarks focused on student transition. (e) remarks focused on student transition.

Quality in written transition plans is defined as creating plans that reflect:  (a) connection to post-school outcomes,  (b) number of action steps,  (c) vocational and employment goals,  (d) student desires,  (e) independent living,  (f) community participation.

Quality in written transition plans is defined as including the best practices of:  (a) the student’s participation in person centered planning,  (b) evidence of self determination  (c) the student’s employment goals/career aspirations,  (d) the student’s values and beliefs.

Appreciative Inquiry: a structured system of envisioning the future “premised on the idea that organizations move toward what they study.” (Cooperrider, et al, 2003, p.29) Discovery: examine and understand positive core values and potential positive outcomes; Dream: values are applied to an ideal future; Design: the ideal future is crafted; and Destiny: the crafted future is enacted (Watkins and Mohr, 2001).

Subject Populations StudentsNeed/ResourceCapacityEnrollment % White % Black % Hisp. % Other School District P School District E School District C

Subject Populations SpecialEducation K-12 Expenditures # Special Education Students K-12 Expenditures per Pupil % School Age w/ Disabilities Portion of School Day Outside Gen. Ed. Classrooms < 20 % 20 % to 60 % 60 % < Se Set Set School District P School District E School District C

Pilot Study and Intervention Pilot Study: tested the validity and reliability of an instrument measuring meeting interaction based on Martin, et al (2004) in School District P. tested the validity and reliability of an instrument measuring meeting interaction based on Martin, et al (2004) in School District P. provided baseline data for the study. provided baseline data for the study.Intervention: involved a six-hour Appreciative Inquiry provided to a 35 person Special Education Department in School District E. involved a six-hour Appreciative Inquiry provided to a 35 person Special Education Department in School District E. an IEP meeting protocol was developed from the session for use in School Districts P and E. an IEP meeting protocol was developed from the session for use in School Districts P and E.

AI – IEP Protocol Focused on: Stories of student success Stories of student success Stories of student goals Stories of student goals Stories of support for the student Stories of support for the student

Instrumentation IEP Meetings Interaction: based on Martin, et al, 2004, measured by tally sheet, marked every ten seconds during meetings each in P, E, & C, indicating: Meeting Role Meeting Role Positive, Negative Valence Positive, Negative Valence Information, Opinion, Observation Information, Opinion, Observation Student Self-Advocacy Student Self-Advocacy Transition Planning Transition Planning Transition Planning Document: based on Powers, et al, 2005, rated by scales and yes-no responses for transition plans each in P, E, & C, indicating: Goals and action steps Goals and action steps Tie to post-school outcomes Tie to post-school outcomes Vocational Training Vocational Training Independent Living Independent Living Student Desires Student Desires Employment Aspirations Employment Aspirations Student Values and Beliefs Student Values and Beliefs Community Participation Community Participation Implementation Implementation Utility Utility

Probes 3 probes in P* for continued inter-rater reliability and fidelity to the protocol 3 probes in E* for continued inter-rater reliability and fidelity to the protocol School District C* = Control * P (n = 25), C (n = 23), C (n = 30)

IEP Meeting Results

Transition Plan Results NO X2 (df = 1) for employment aspirations X2 (df = 1) for self determination X2 (df = 1) for person- centered planning X2 (df = 1) for student desires X2 (df = 1) for post school outcomes t-test for level of utility t-test for level of implementation t-test for Number of Action Steps t- test for Quality of Goals X2 (df =1) for cultural values and beliefs

Discussion The general hypothesis was partially supported. Appreciative Inquiry did move the variables having to do with IEP meeting process and content in directions that can help create quality IEP meetings. It did not seem to have any significant effect on the quality of transition plans.

References Cooperrider, D.L., Whitney, D., Stavros, J.M. (2003). Appreciative inquiry handbook. Bedford Heights, OH: Lakeshore Publishers. Martin, J. E., Huber Marshall, L. & Sale, P. (2004). A 3-year study of middle, junior high, and high school IEP meetings. Exceptional Children, 70(3), Powers, K. M., Gil-Kashiwaraba, E., Geenan, S. J., Powers, L. E., Balandran, J., & Palmer, C. (2005). Mandates and effective transition planning practices reflected in IEPs. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 28(1), Watkins, J. M. & Mohr, B. J. (2001). Appreciative inquiry: Change at the speed of imagination. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

“No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.” -- Albert Einstein “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.” -- Albert Einstein