Grade 6 EQAO Parent Information Session Malvern Junior P.S. Presented by Mrs. Frendjian, Mr. Melchiorre and Mrs. Shuttin
Welcome Parents Evening Agenda: 1. Parent Quiz –How much do you know about EQAO? 2. How to Use Your Practice Booklet at Home 3. Grade 6 Sample Questions and Student Responses 4. Question and Answer Period
Quiz: Multiple Choice Choose the best answer from the options below. The letters E.Q.A.O. stand for: A) Education Quality Assessment of Ontario B) Evil Questions Attacking Ontario C) Education Quality and Accountability Office D) Equality Quotient Assessment of Ontario
Correct Response C) Education Quality and Accountability Office It is an independent provincial agency that conducts province wide tests in grade 3, 6, 9 and 10 in reading, writing and mathematics. The results are reported to educators, parents and the public.
Quiz: True or False? The main goal of EQAO Testing is to make recommendations to school boards in order to improve learning and teaching. The main goal of EQAO Testing is to make recommendations to school boards in order to improve learning and teaching.
Answer: TRUE The tests give parents, teachers, principals and school boards information about how well students have learned what the province expects them to learn in reading, writing and mathematics. The results for each student are sent to the school where the testing took place. EQAO also releases provincial, school board and school results. The tests give parents, teachers, principals and school boards information about how well students have learned what the province expects them to learn in reading, writing and mathematics. The results for each student are sent to the school where the testing took place. EQAO also releases provincial, school board and school results.provincial, school board and school resultsprovincial, school board and school results
Quiz: True or False? E.Q.A.O. is counted as part of your child’s report card marks. E.Q.A.O. is counted as part of your child’s report card marks.
Answer: FALSE The grades 3 and 6 tests do not count as part of a student’s mark and do not affect their progress or future opportunities in school. The grades 3 and 6 tests do not count as part of a student’s mark and do not affect their progress or future opportunities in school. The grade 9 math test can count for up to 10% of the student’s math mark. However, students must pass the Grade 10 Literacy Test or Literacy course in order to graduate with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
How are test results used? Teachers and principals get a report that shows how students performed in reading, writing and mathematics If many students did poorly on a particular skill, then teachers try to find better teaching strategies or resources to help students be more successful If students in many schools have similar difficulties, then school boards know that all schools need to improve their teaching strategies or find better resources
Quiz: True or False? Students on an I.E.P. (Individual Education Plan) do not write the E.Q.A.O. test. Students on an I.E.P. (Individual Education Plan) do not write the E.Q.A.O. test.
Answer: FALSE All students are encouraged to write the test but some students with special needs may be exempt. The “accommodations” outlined in student IEPs also help students write the EQAO tests. They may include more time to write, a quiet setting or having someone read instructions or questions to them. All students are encouraged to write the test but some students with special needs may be exempt. The “accommodations” outlined in student IEPs also help students write the EQAO tests. They may include more time to write, a quiet setting or having someone read instructions or questions to them.
True or False? Parents do not get to see the results of their child’s EQAO Test.
Answer: FALSE Parents receive test results in the Fall. Results are sent to the school where the students wrote the test, and the school forwards them to any student who has moved to a new school.
Quiz: True or False? Parents can do very little to help their children prepare for the EQAO test at home.
Answer: FALSE Parents can help their children get ready for the EQAO test in a variety of ways. Use the Practice Test booklet Teach test-taking strategies outlined in Practice Booklet Visit the EQAO website and printing previous EQAO tests and examples of student responses ( Encourage your child to think critically by asking questions and to seek answers about everyday topics tary/036/036.aspx
Separate the sections (Resource Booklet and Practice Test Booklet) Review Dr. Don’s test-taking strategies (Pages 1-19): Read text slowly and carefully. Read it again. Create a “video” of the story in your mind. Read the questions slowly and carefully. Underline KEY WORDS. Look in the text and find the correct answer to the question. Have your child complete assigned sections of the Practice Test Booklet and review responses using the answers in the Resource Booklet. How to Use The Practice Booklet at Home
Achievement Levels Level 1 (Code 10) = D- to D+ (50 to 59%) Much Below Provincial Standard Level 2 (Code 20) = C- to C+ (60 to 69%) Approaching Provincial Standard Level 3 (Code 30) = B- to B+ (70 to 79%) Meeting Provincial Standard Level 4 (Code 40) = A- to A+ (80 to 100%) Surpasses Provincial Standard
Funny Money
Sample Question - Reading Text: A Good Decision Open Response Question # 1: What makes the security features easy to use? Use two examples from the text to support your answers. Open Response Question # 2: In the sentence “Knowing how to recognize counterfeit money just makes cents!” What is the significance of the word “cents”? Use information from the text and your own ideas to support your answer.
Reading Open Response Levels Level 1 – Attempts to explain, but provides inaccurate support Level 2 – Indicates a partial understanding by providing vague support from the reading selection Level 3 – Indicates understanding by including some accurate and relevant support, and some vague or underdeveloped support Level 4 – Indicates an understanding by explaining fully and provides specific and relevant support
Funny Money – Level 1
Funny Money – Level 2
Funny Money – Level 3
Funny Money – Level 4
Letter to Principal
Incomplete Answer Rationale: Response is off topic.
Letter to Principal - Level 1 Rationale: Response is undeveloped and is unclear
Letter to Principal - Level 2 Rationale: ideas in the response are minimally developed.
Letter to Principal - Level 3
Letter to Principal - Level 4
Test-taking Skills in Mathematics Students need to: understand KEY WORDS (i.e., describe, explain, compare, attributes & figure) * See Page 27 determine whether the problem is simple or complex * See page 39 If a problem is complex, follow Dr. Don’s Problem Solving Strategy
Sample Question - Mathematics
Open Response Mathematics – Level 1
Open Response Mathematics – Level 2
Open Response Mathematics – Level 3
Open Response Mathematics – Level 4
Helping Your Child with Key Words in Questions What is the question asking me to do? Compare Define Describe Determine Explain/Explain your thinking Identify Justify List Predict Summarize
Thank you for coming! Some Words of Wisdom for Reflection "There are no shortcuts to life's greatest achievements." "Believe and you will achieve." "You can't learn if you don't make a mistake." "You don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great." "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." "Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It is courage that counts."