IEP + Team IEP” stands for Individualized Education Program. THE IEP TEAM –legally the IEP team must include the parent, plus at least one general education teacher (if the child is in even one general education class) and one special education teacher. If the child receives related services that provider should be present as well. Each member plays an important part in reviewing, assessing and implementing the actual IEP.
GENERAL RESPONSIBLITIES If you have a student with an IEP in your class you are responsible for Ensuring that the students actually IEP in a secure binder or location at all times. Ensuring that your lesson planning entails the required curriculum in ways that allow all students to learn the required knowledge and skills; Ensuring that any learning goals outlined in a student's Individual Education Plan (IEP) that address the general area(s) of the curriculum you teaching (which is evident in your lessons); and, Ensuring that you document any specific changes to the general curriculum that are necessary to help the student meet the learning goals that are specified in the student's IEP
CONTINUED Progress reports Informal assessments data Implementing FBA’s and BIP’s. Meeting attendance Collaborating with the special educator Communicating with the parent. Maintaining work samples Being knowledgeable of the students current IEP
THE IEP Age Grade Disability Impact statement Strengths Weakness Strategies that work. Strategies that don’t work Accommodations Supplementary aids and services Parent name Case manager Related service provider Present level of performance.
Quick references Websites interventions/special-needs/teaching-children-developmental- disabilities-classroom-ideashttp:// interventions/special-needs/teaching-children-developmental- disabilities-classroom-ideas k12.htmlhttp:// k12.html