Accessing IEP's from Power Teacher
Go to Power Teacher Log into your power teacher account
Click on LDS
Scroll to the bottom of the page When you get to LDS Scroll to the bottom of the page
student name grade You will see some drop down boxes. You are only concerned with the last 2 (to the right of your school name. The small box is for the grade and the next box is for the students name.
Please Note: You must select grade and then select a student!!!!! If the student has a Finalized IEP in the Go-IEP system -you will be able to view the IEP. **** If the student is new to PSD - they may not have an IEP in GO -
If the student has an IEP in GO - IEP on the left hand side you will see "ACCESS STUDENT IEP" click on this link and it will pull up a PDF of the students IEP for you to view.
Note: This does not always work on an IPAD you may have to use a PC!!
Questions/Concerns If you have any questions about how to access an IEP - Please come by and see Dr. Cook in rm 302 - You will be required to sign a statement verifying that you have been trained.
Students Please see Dr. Cook (rm 302) or Mrs. Brown (rm 305) for any questions about students you should be serving. The students case manager will be listed on the IEP. You will be asked to sign a sheet verifying that you know how to access GO IEP and are aware of the students you should be serving.
Please remember that this information is Confidential!!!!!!
You are required to attend IEP meetings and give your input! You are responsible for making accommodations per the IEP in your classroom! You are required to attend IEP meetings and give your input!
Special Education Co- Chair Dr. Deborah Cook Rockmart High School Special Education Co- Chair Room 302 I hope this helps!!!! Please feel free to contact me at any time.