T IPS FOR IEP M EETINGS Presented By: Marsha Holleman Jenny Kurzer Nancy Simmons Lauren Whitson
B EFORE THE M EETING Schedule date with appropriate team members(including LEA, regular education teacher, related service providers, behavior specialists, school psychologist, etc.) Review student progress (print out of grades, test scores, regular education teacher input, attendance, discipline data) Give transition assessments for students 14+ Draft IEP and send home to parents 5 days in advance. Prepare an agenda if needed Accumulate needed paperwork for meeting such as minutes, parent handbook, and drafted forms.
D URING THE M EETING Ask someone to take minutes of the meeting. Introductions of team members Give Handbook on Parents’ Rights Ask the parent to sign the invitation, if not signed already Review the purpose of the meeting
D URING THE M EETING ( CON ’ T ) Review each section of the forms with input from the team. Make sure to document parent concerns and visions for the student. Complete the DEC 5, Prior Written Notice Make sure all signature pages are signed by everyone Give parent copies or plan to send home later.
A FTER THE MEETING Make sure all forms are finalized in EASYIEP Send copies of paperwork home to parents, if not already given. Complete a CECAS form Give Accommodation Review forms to Data Manager at your school Update teachers with new information about classroom accommodations and goals, etc.
R EMINDERS Use language that parents understand, clearly defining acronyms, etc. If the team decides to add/drop a related service a reevaluation is required. Support a change in placement with detailed data!!! Review guidelines for change in placement on our EC website.
R EMINDERS ( CON ’ T ) Plan ahead and plan to meet early! LIVE meetings are encouraged. If a student is taking EXTEND 1, there needs to be objectives listed in IEP. If a student is taking NCEXTEND 2, competency goals need to be listed in the IEP. Make sure to address the justification statement if a student takes an alternate assessment (EXTEND 1 or 2)
R ESOURCES AVAILABLE ON EC W EBSITE Tips for IEP Meetings Sample agenda Sample DEC 5 Accommodation/Modification sheet IEP Guide for Writing Present Levels