Thank you for joining us for Monitoring Progress Toward IEP Goals The presentation will begin momentarily. RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS The presentation portion of the webinar will be 35 minutes. The question and answer portion of the webinar will be 5-10 minutes. If you are having difficulties with audio, please send us a message in the Chat or call our support line To ask a question, simply type it under the Chat feature. Questions will be answered in the order they are received at the end of the webinar. Copyright © 2012 Right Reason Technologies, LLC Webinar Guidelines
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Holly Diaz, Educational Specialist, brings numerous experiences to the Right Reason Technologies team. With a dual certificate in K-12 general and special education, Holly has taken on leadership roles within Professional Learning Communities, Data Teams, RTI development and implementation, and as a district mentor. Within special education, Holly has taught using various models of instruction, such as inclusion, resource, and self-containment to ensure that her widely diverse student populations were successful in reaching AYP. Holly also brings experience in the area of technology as a Certified IEP program administrator, trainer, and liaison. Within RRT, Holly incorporates her experience to develop curriculum, including state approved assessments and RTI lessons. Holly also provides professional development to school districts, covering a multitude of educational topics. Copyright © 2012 Right Reason Technologies, LLC Introduction
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Progress Monitoring: is the practice off using student performance data to continually evaluate the effectiveness of instructional practices to make educational decisions that will best meet the needs of the learner. Copyright © 2012 Right Reason Technologies, LLC
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Individuals With Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) 2004 Requires a student’s individualized education plan (IEP) to include: A statement of present levels of academic and functional performance A statement of measurable annual goals A statement of special education, related and supplemental services An explanation of the extent, if any, of non-participation in the regular classroom A statement of any appropriate and necessary accommodations on state and district-wide assessments A statement of dates and duration of services Appropriate, measurable post-secondary goals and transition services A statement of how the child’s progress toward the annual goals will be measured Copyright © 2012 Right Reason Technologies, LLC Requirements
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Common concerns in legal findings 1.The IEP team does not develop or implement progress monitoring plans. 2.IEP team progress monitoring responsibilities are not properly delegated. 3.The IEP team does not plan/implement progress monitoring for behavior intervention plans. 4.The team uses inappropriate measures to determine student progress toward graduation. 5.Progress monitoring is not frequent enough to meet the requirements of IDEIA or to provide meaningful data to IEP teams. Copyright © 2012 Right Reason Technologies, LLC Current Realities
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS In order to collect data that provides evidence of student progress, the IEP must include measurable annual goals. Annual goals must include: clearly defined, observable behaviors/actions the condition under which the behavior is performed the performance criterion Copyright © 2012 Right Reason Technologies, LLC IEP Goals SMART Goals Aligned to Standards
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS S.M.A.R.T. Goals S= Specific M= Measurable A= Attainable R= Realistic T= Timely What do I want the student to accomplish? How will I know when the goal has been accomplished? Does the student have the right mindset, drive and skills to accomplish the goal? Does the goal include an objective that the student is both willing and able to work toward? Are expectations clear as to when the student should accomplish the goal? Does the goal provide necessary information that will answer the common “w” questions?
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS IEP Goals should be… Created based on data Created as an IEP team Individualized for the student Standards based
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS S.M.A.R.T. Goals Within one year, Jacob will demonstrate mastery of the multiplication and division facts by increasing his current ability to accurately solve nine random problems correct in three minutes to a target of 50 random problems answered correctly in a three minute period, as measured by an informal teacher created assessment. By the end of the year, Heidi will demonstrate her ability to comprehend grade appropriate text that she has read by increasing her current ELA benchmark assessment score from a 13% to a 75% as measured by formal quarterly administration of the 4th grade ELA benchmark assessment.
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Communicate Progress A statement of how the child’s progress towards the annual goals will be measured and how the child’s parents will be regularly informed (through such means as periodic report cards), at least as often as parents are informed of their non-disabled child’s progress…
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Are Changes Needed? Yes Continue to measure the progress using the criteria set forth in the IEP goals. No Update goals to include missing pieces of the goals (SMART). Include missing pieces in the statements of student progress. Does existing IEP contain measurable goals and specific statements regarding student progress?
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Are Changes Needed? **Any written changes made to an IEP must be approved by the IEP team.
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Baseline and Target A goal cannot be measured if it does not include a baseline score and a target score. Baseline score: a measure of the student’s skill/performance at the time the goal is written Target score: the performance level that a student is expected to reach in a specified time frame By the end of the year, Heidi will demonstrate her ability to comprehend grade appropriate text that she has read by increasing her current ELA benchmark assessment score from a 13% to a 65% as measured by formal quarterly administration of the 4th grade ELA benchmark assessment.
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Goal Measurement Assessments Consistent Measurement Assessment Baseline Target Progress monitoring Formal Benchmark assessments State assessments Other formal assessments Informal Teacher created Checklist Work samples Rubric
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Monitoring Progress Within one year, Jacob will demonstrate mastery of the multiplication and division facts by increasing his current ability to accurately solve nine random problems correct in three minutes to a target of 50 random problems answered correctly in a three minute period, as measured by an informal teacher created assessment.
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Monitoring Progress Within one year, Jacob will demonstrate mastery of the multiplication and division facts by increasing his current ability to accurately solve nine random problems correct in three minutes to a target of 50 random problems answered correctly in a three minute period, as measured by an informal teacher created assessment. DatePercent of Mastery Progress UpdateHas goal been mastered? March 157%Jacob was able to correctly answer 12 of the 50 expected questions, an increase of 3 questions from Jacob’s baseline score. no May 2461%Jacob was able to correctly answer 34 of the 50 expected questions, an increase of 25 questions from Jacob’s baseline score. no
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Monitoring Progress By the end of the year, Heidi will demonstrate her ability to comprehend grade appropriate text that she has read by increasing her current ELA benchmark assessment score from a 13% to a 75% as measured by formal quarterly administration of the 4th grade ELA benchmark assessment.
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Monitoring Progress By the end of the year, Heidi will demonstrate her ability to comprehend grade appropriate text that she has read by increasing her current ELA benchmark assessment score from a 13% to a 75% as measured by formal quarterly administration of the 4th grade ELA benchmark assessment. DatePercent of Mastery Progress UpdateHas goal been mastered? October 10 73%Heidi scored a 58.14% on the most recent administration of the ELA benchmark assessment. This is an increase of 45%. no December 14
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS When should new goals be created? When the student’s skills pass the goals that are set May not be when one goal is mastered Based on data When the goal does not seem reasonable to meet Time frame Concepts/skills Prerequisite skills
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Organization of Progress Monitoring Continuous monitoring Data driven IEP binder Tracking forms Graphs Assessment data Checklist
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS " The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable." - Denis Watley
RIGHT REASON TECHNOLOGIES YOUR SOLUTION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS Copyright © 2012 Right Reason Technologies, LLC Question and Answer This is the end of the presentation portion of the Webinar. Please submit any questions you may have using the chat feature. If you are logging off at this time, thank you for coming! For more information please check our website at or Holly Diaz at