Section 1 Demographic Information Podcast Script Laura LaMore, Consultant, OSE-EIS July 13,
Welcome On behalf of the Office of Special Education and Early Intervention Services (OSE-EIS) at the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) WELCOME! This podcast details Demographic Information and is part of a series of 9 podcasts designed to walk and talk you through the state model forms for IEP and Notice 2
Getting Started We want to thank you for tuning in My name is Laura LaMore and I am a consultant with the OSE-EIS Before we get started, if you have not already done so, we recommend that you download the Quick Reference Guide, Section 1: Demographic Information, to view with this podcast 3
In the Individualized Education Program (IEP) development process the Demographic Information section provides the foundation detailing: – The IEP meeting purpose – The participants that contribute to the meaning and development of the IEP – The determination of eligibility This is the first section of the IEP Form and accuracy is critical 4 Foundation
Purpose The purpose of the Demographic Information section is to provide information used for: – Guiding Timelines – Assessment – Service Determination – Public Reporting, and – Eligibility 5
IEP Dates: This section is designed to ensure there are no gaps in the provision of service to a student with an IEP 6
A Change of Practice You will see as we begin to discuss the “dates”, our historical practice has been revised to more accurately reflect the IEP process This is a dramatic change in practice 7
IEP Team Meeting Date: This is the actual date the IEP meeting is concluded The date entered is used to determine the required timeline for Notice Within 7 calendar days of the district receiving the IEP (the IEP meeting conclusion date), the district must provide written notice to the parent 8
For a student’s first IEP, fill in the dates for “Initial IEP” – Offer of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) is the date the district provides Notice to the parent of their offer of a FAPE – Implementation is the date the district will begin providing services and programs to the student upon receipt of parent consent to implement 9
For an IEP resulting from a reevaluation, fill in the dates for “Reevaluation IEP” – Offer of a FAPE is the date the district provides Notice to the parent of their offer of a FAPE – Implementation is the date the district will begin providing services and programs to the student 10
For all other IEPs, fill in the dates for “Annual/Review IEP” – Offer of a FAPE is the date the district provides Notice to the parent of their offer of a FAPE – Implementation is the date the district will begin providing services and programs to the student 11
Date Summary Each IEP Team Meeting will result in three dates: – The Meeting Date – The Offer of a FAPE – The Implementation of Services and Programs 12
Now that you are familiar with what each of the dates mean it’s time to apply them to the process – The date of the offer of a FAPE for the first annual review must be within 365 days of the implementation date of the initial IEP – For all other offers of a FAPE, the offer must be within 365 days of the previous offer of a FAPE Day Clock
14 Student Information: This section includes a field for the student’s Unique Identification Code (UIC) The UIC is used for data collection purposes
15 Parent Information: Two sections are provided for parent information Complete these sections as appropriate
16 Purpose of Meeting: Options for determining the purpose of the IEP team meeting include initial IEP, annual/review IEP, or reevaluation IEP Additional choices are intended to provide clarity –If Change of Placement is selected, the IEP team must provide further clarification by choosing either Suspension/Expulsion, Graduation, or Other
17 Parent Contact: This section does not meet the requirements of Notice; however it is a place for the district to document the steps taken to ensure the parent is present at the IEP team meeting or, at a minimum, has been afforded the opportunity to participate Check the appropriate method of contact and document the results
18 Parental Rights and Age of Majority: This section has implications for confidentiality and application of procedural safeguards and therefore must be completed for all students who will be age 17 or older at any time during the IEP Though decisions regarding guardianship, partial guardianship, or independence are to be documented when the student turns 18, it is recommended that decisions be completed well before the student turns 18
19 IEP Team Meeting Participants
20 IEP Team Meeting Participants: The public agency must ensure that the IEP team for each student with a disability includes: The parent A general education teacher if the student participates in the general education curriculum A special education teacher A public agency representative Other individuals who have knowledge or special expertise The student, when appropriate Note: Participants may serve in more than one role
21 Other IEP Team Meeting Participants: When an evaluation is being considered, there must also be an individual who can interpret the instructional implications of the evaluation results If the student is of transition age and will be receiving services from an outside agency, the district is required to have consent from the parent on file prior to inviting the outside agency representative
22 Parent and District Agreement on Attendance Not Necessary: If attendance of a required member of the IEP team is determined not necessary because that member’s area of the curriculum or related service is not being modified or discussed, the district must have written agreement from the parent prior to the IEP team meeting
23 Parent and District Agreement on Excusal Prior to Meeting: In order for the district to excuse a required IEP team member, written agreement must be obtained from the parent prior to the meeting In addition, if the member’s area of the curriculum or related service is being discussed, the excused member must submit written input for the development of the IEP prior to the meeting
24 Eligibility for Special Education: After considering the evaluation results and the criteria for each area of disability evaluated, the IEP team is responsible for determining eligibility
Eligibility for Special Education If the student is determined eligible, identify the area of disability and continue to develop an IEP If the student is determined eligible in the area of a Specific Learning Disability (SLD), identify the area(s) of the specific learning disability 25
26 If the student is determined ineligible for all areas of disability with the exception of SLD, the district may proceed directly to the provision of Notice to the parent If a student is determined ineligible in the area of SLD, it is required that the IEP team provide a statement of the basis for this determination before the district proceeds to the provision of Notice to the parent Eligibility for Special Education
27 The state model IEP form no longer reflects an option for considering primary and secondary disability areas Federal regulations only require that a student be determined eligible in order to receive special education services and programs Eligibility for Special Education
Thank You Thank you for participating in this podcast detailing Demographic Information As a reminder, this is part of a series of 9 podcasts designed to walk and talk you through the state model forms for IEP and Notice The next podcast in the series is titled Section 2: Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance 28
29 Quick Reference Guide Section 1: Demographic Information
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