> Special Education Data … Communication is Critical for Reporting Special Ed Data to PennData & PIMS… Congruency Matters for Future Funding!
> Objectives Participants will review and discuss the requirements for timely and accurate submission of special education student data and resulting impacts on: Federal IDEA funding State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report/Special Education Data Report Targets Compliance Monitoring/Corrective Action and LEA Determinations
> Agenda –Welcome –Objectives –PennData Resource Guide –PIMS Data Changes & Reporting Process –Special Education PIMS Manual –Congruency – what does it mean? –Data Validation/Edits –Critical Consideration –Verification/Comparison Reports –Helpful Hints –Resources –Next Steps -
> IU Role & Responsibilities IU Special Education Data Managers will remain involved in the Data Submission/Verification for Special Education Reporting including: –Collect Special Ed Data from LEAs –Review for duplicates across IU Region –Review for errors and edit checks –Problem solve issues within LEA submissions –Maintain Superintendent/Special Ed Director Sign-off of Data Accuracy –Prepare Special Ed Snapshot file for LEA for PIMS Upload –Work with LEAs to review Congruency –Work with State Data Manager as liaison for Special Education Data related issues and information dissemination
> Changes to PennData for –CROSS REFERENCE: PIMS XXXXXX –Amended Field #10 – Code 2124 Intellectual Disability (Mental Retardation) –Amended Field #11 – Code 2124 Intellectual Disability (Mental Retardation) –Remove Field #25 – Parentally Placed (Equitable Participation info will come from the IU) Table 14 Submitted with December files. –Amended Field #26 – Neighborhood School – Y/N –Amended Field #35 - PASA Participation – Y/N (Indicated in IEP – Used to verify participation) –Add Field #40 – State – Parent/Guardian Address (Should always be PA)
> PIMS Changes Special Education Snapshot Changes: Added Field #23 – Planned Participation in PASA – Y/N Removed Field #27 – Equitable Participation Services Plan for Non-Public Schools Amended Field #34 - Exit Date – Changed from Optional to Conditionally Required Amended Field #41 – Neighborhood School – Y/N Amended Field #44 – Educational Environment – Changed from Conditionally Required to Required
> PIMS Submission District of Residence (Home District) or Charter School is responsible for uploading Special Education Data to PIMS. Required Templates include: 1.Student 2.Student Snapshot 3.Special Education Snapshot Snapshots: 12/1/2012 Students with IEPs as of 12/1 7/16/2013 ALL Students with IEPs 7/1- 6/30 including an exit date and reason for any student who may have exited between 7/1/2012 to 6/30/2013
> Timelines PennData Child Count Submission: –IU to PSU by 12/6/2012 –Errors Resolved by 12/11/2012 –Resolution of Duplicates by 12/14/2012 PIMS Submission Windows: –December Collection – 12/17/2012 through 12/28/2012 – Snapshot Date 12/1/2012
> PIMS Data Verification/Coordination – Student and Student Snapshot should match Special Ed Snapshot – Student demographics (PASecureID, Name, Date of Birth, Disability, Educational Environment, Race, LEP, Gender, etc.) File submission - coordination between IU, LEA Special Ed Office, and PIMS Office is key. Cognos Reporting – we are in the process of creating reports in Cognos that mirror the reports currently received via PennData.
> Validation Requirements for 12/1 Count - Penn Data –Current IEP not greater than one year old as of 12/1 –Building Name – Actual Name of Building –Location Code (EdNA School/Branch Code of Building) –Service Provider – AUN of the LEA/Facility providing special education services. –Educational Environment v. Educational Environment Percent
> Clarifications Age is calculated as 12/1 of the current school year for all reporting. School year is defined as 7/1 through 6/30. Exiting information, regardless of PIMS or PennData, should reflect information on students Notice of Recommended Educational Placement (NOREP). Returned to Reg Ed, Graduated w/ HS Diploma or Reached Maximum Age, etc. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS “BANKING DIPLOMAS” IUS DO NOT HAVE STUDENTS – Only Classrooms
> Other Critical Considerations –Data System Compliance –The data reported in December should be reflective of the IEP of the Student on 12/1 of the current school year. –The data reported in July should be reflective of the most recent IEP of the Student. –LEAs are responsible for providing the IU with data files including all students receiving special education services during the current year to comply with 12/1 and end of year Table submissions.
> Other Critical Considerations –LEAs are required to review and respond in a timely manner to verification reports including, but not limited to – percent change flags, duplicate reports, error reports, edit checks, sign-off requests, etc. –Timely and Accurate Data Submission is part of the LEA Determination Process and will be reflective in Annual LEA Determination Letters. –LEAs are responsible for maintaining their final 12/1 and end of year approved file submission. Audits Special Ed Data Report Review Compliance Monitoring
> Verification/Comparison Reports Flag Reports – sent after each submission to ensure accuracy of the data submitted. –Data are compared year to year – LEA is to verify/justify any areas flagged in the statistical comparison. These justifications are used in developing statewide response to data trends and used for consideration in the LEA Determination Process as required by OSEP in the SPP/APR. –It is important that all areas indicated with a Flag are explained in detail or amended if appropriate. Note, after sign-off prior year data cannot be amended. –N-Size Designation may appear. Where small Number Size is justified (i.e. 1 to 2 or other small cell changes) For these instances LEAs are encouraged to review for accuracy.
> PIMS Reporting Coordination LEA Special Ed offices will continue to submit their data to the IU for processing, IU will in turn provide LEA with clean, Special Ed Snapshot file for LEA to upload. LEA PIMS Admin/Tech will ensure Student and Student Snapshot is PIMS- ready and includes student demographic information for all special education students identified by District of Residence. PennData information is compared to the PIMS special education data for verification/ accuracy/congruency of data
> From PennData to PIMS – How do we get there? Currently, PIMS is not attached to your special education funding.
> Remember, the data you submit today will be displayed publicly in the future – is it accurate, will your Superintendent be happy when he/she sees it in the newspaper? AboutSPP.aspx AboutSPP.aspx
> Resources PennData/APS schools - Special Education Data Reports Pennsylvania Department of Education EdNA – Pennsylvania Information Management System - uals/ uals/ PaTTAN - PAsecureID – – login to PAPortal – need user id. PDE fast facts- %2C_data_and_stats_for_news_media/ %2C_data_and_stats_for_news_media/17426
> Questions?