January 21, 2010 Summary Report to SEAC: March 11, 2010
January 2009 was the first year that the new single venue format was used Approx. 45 were in attendance(Including SEAC members) January 21, 2010: Success for all Students Being –whole and holy Belonging- in community Becoming –Catholic Graduates Approx 58 members of our community were in attendance (Including SEAC members)
This year we had 4 Themes under our School Board Improvement Plan: 1)Program (Literacy, Numeracy and Student Pathways) 2) Communication (Catholic Community Culture and Caring) 3) Transitions (Student Pathways) 4) Relationships ( Catholic Community Culture and Caring)
4 themes/ Categories identified Communication with Parents “More info about community programs: “Communication and planning very important to maintain gains child has made in grade 8. (Once they enter grade 9 Enhanced Service Delivery “Transition to high school should begin before the new year – grade 7 or beginning of grade 8” “Shadow a grade 9 student during grade 8”
Administrative Capacity for Locally Developed Courses ◦ “what happens if the numbers are to low to support a locally developed course.” Interactions with Parent/Students ◦ “At first meeting with high school could there be more interaction with student”
Communication with Home ◦ “Common questions – information” ◦ “new families come to our Board – information” ◦ “web-site user-friendly for special education” Communication with Community Organizations ◦ “wanting link-community partners/agency/ resources” ◦ “clear process to maximize potential”
IEP Implementation Fidelity ◦ “the plans without a plan” ◦ “Not specific, no means to measure” ◦ “Detailed IEP but strategies/goals not being implemented/worked on” Enhanced Service ◦ “parent provided written input into the IEP (after the fact) but IEP wasn’t updated to reflect the parent input.” Consistently Differentiate Instruction based on student IEP “Child struggling with special needs may not have best match with curriculum fitting their specific needs.”
Inconsistent Educational Skill Sets ◦ “one teacher did an excellent job on the IEP but homeroom teacher did not.” ◦ “discrepancies in skills between teacher and their abilities to write effective IEP’s”
Curriculum /Classroom ◦ “spreading resources to all kids in classroom with special needs” ◦ “expanding on extracurricular opportunities...such as gymnastics.” Socialization/ Peer Mentoring ◦ “self confidence build up” ◦ “students celebrating success” Communication ◦ “better communication to get to know individual students strengths”
Overall a good evening, with good participation and a modest increase in attendance Communication with Parents/Home/Community Enhanced Service Delivery/Curriculum Classroom delivery Administrative Capacity for Locally Developed Courses Interactions with Parent/Students IEP Implementation Fidelity/ Educational Skill Sets Socialization/Peer Mentoring
The concerns, ideas and solutions generated will be the basis for action. Work is already underway on Transitions to develop greater consistency in the process. Similarly Communication is being enhanced through construction of a new easy to navigate website including information about the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC). Your voice is important to our cycle of continuous improvement.