Agenda Our legal, moral and ethical responsibility Following Health and Behavior Plans as well as Instructional Accommodations & Modifications Creating a notebook (electronic or printed) Developing ways to document
IEPs: Legally... In 1992, there was a case in West Virginia: Doe v. Withers. A high school history teacher refused to provide the modifications promised to a student. Several people advised the history teacher about the need to provide these modifications but he refused.Doe v. Withers The boy failed the exam. Later, the family filed a civil lawsuit against several people who worked at the school – teachers, special ed director, etc – and who knew the teacher refused to provide the modifications. The parents brought suit against several individuals who worked for the school district. The judge did not allow the case to go forward against anyone except the history teacher. Why? Because all the other staff members had written about their concerns. There was a jury trial. The jury awarded the student and/or his family about $15,000 – and that history teacher had to pay these damages out of his own pocket. Doe v. Withers was the first damages case against a teacher for refusing to follow the IEP. There have been several other such cases since. Schools are legally bound to ensure everyone is following IEPs. Schools must take action against non-compliance by warning the employee, (verbal or written), evaluating, disciplining or terminating. This protects the school. You need to protect yourself too.
IEPs: Morally and Ethically... IEPs are created for a reason. IEPs protect all children with disabilities and attempt to make sure that they are prepared for the "real world.“ Without IEPs, many Deaf children would be left in the dark and society would call these children “expendable.” IEP laws are saying that all children are valuable and this is something we must very strongly believe in. IEP goals are serious tools that we need to use to make sure we increase the value of each and every child at NMSD. Teachers who create strong goals, ensures follow through and record student progress through documentation... are excellent teachers who truly care about their students. Yes, IEPs can feel like "paperwork" but we can find ways to make the "paperwork" work for us! After all, to make sure students thrive is the main reason teachers become teachers. Let's work toward a better school together! Professional and personal goals are ways we progress towards various accomplishments in life.
IEPs: Health and Behavior Plans and Instructional Accommodations/Modifications Make sure you have a copy of your students’ health and behavior plans as well as your students’ instructional accommodations and modifications handy. Make sure all the teachers and service providers who work with the student have a copy also. Make sure your SUBS have this information! Sub folders must be ready by this week with the updated information. These plans and accommodations must be followed to the letter. If you have concerns about these plans, do not stop following the plan until an IEP is reconvened. Some teachers may choose to have one chart with all instructional accommodations/modifications with a list of their students. Check off the boxes of which students have what accommodations/modifications. I have created one that you can use or you may want to use your own. Keeping track of all accommodations/modifications and plans can be confusing. Review regularly.
IEPs: Creating a Notebook Organization is the key! You are required to create an IEP notebook (both paper or electronic are acceptable). Make sure you include: Goals that you are responsible for Goals that you should know even though you may not be directly responsible for them. This should probably include ELA/ASL for all instructional areas. This should include Math for some instructional areas. Health Plans Behavior Plans Instructional Accommodations and Modifications Documentation charts/rubrics/plans Create a notebook that is accessible to you and that you can review often. What works for one person may not work for another. What works best for you?
Documenting Progress Teacher observation/anecdotal data Rubrics Tally marks Checklists Pre and Post Tests/Assessments Charts Video samples Student work samples Lions, Tigers, And Bears, Oh My! This afternoon, we will make sure that we have our “system” set up and create or collect all the documentation materials we need for this year. In other words, you will plan your documentation.
Documenting Progress Discussion: Documenting electronically vs. using the old fashioned “paper-pen” methods. Pros & Cons. The principals and I will be checking your documentation every now and then. This is not intended as a “gotcha!” but as a way for us to make sure all the work that needs to be done, is being done. Keep each other accountable!
What’s Next? MS/HS Teachers- work together in the assembly room. ECE/Elem teachers- stay here in the DH conference room. Just FYI: The WAC schedule for 2 nd quarter will be distributed after the ILT meeting on Friday. NMSD IEP START LINE