Safety SAFE Strategies Stand Positive and Strong Avoid the situation Find support Express your feelings Class Visits The Counselor and Principal visit all classrooms the first 2 weeks to welcome and address safety. PBS- Positive Behavior Solutions. Guidance Lessons Classroom lessons as well as small needs groups are led by our counselor.
Parents as Partners PCF-Parent Communication Forum Opportunities throughout the year for book study, speakers, conversation. Conferences October and January scheduled, throughout the school year as needed. Meet and Greet August 19, 2014 Call returns Parties/Field Trips Project MORE Reading program with volunteer support for our students. Classroom Volunteers
Testing RTI- Response to Intervention – Use of data to determine interventions needed in the classroom or if more intense intervention is needed by our reading and/or math tutors. RIMP-Reading Improvement Plan Students determined not on grade level receive an intervention plan and progress monitoring. OAA- 3 rd Grade Reading Guarantee Students that receive below a 394(400 is proficient) on the Spring 2015 reading OAA will be retained in reading. There are exceptions for reading IEP students that are determined by the IEP team. COGAT- Cognitive Ability Testing Common Summatives All classroom grade level cumulative tests are common. Aimsweb All students’ reading fluency, reading comprehension, math problem solving and computation skills assessed 3 times a year. F & P – Fountas and Pinnell Reading level diagnostic assessed fall and spring grades 3 and 4, fall only grade 5. SRI spring for 5 th.
The Day Drop off/Pick up Doors open at 8:55 and school begins at 9:05am School ends at 3:30pm. Teaming 2 Teacher teams – One Math, Science, Social Studies - One Language Arts Specials Music, PE, Art, Media/Technology Lunch 25 minutes- all 3 rd eat together Recess 25 minutes- all 3 rd have recess together Nurse
Grading PIV-Parent Information Viewer Up to date access to student grades. Report Card Students will receive grades A, B, D, D, F in all contents. They receive a rubric score for writing of 4,3,2,1. Summatives/Formatives Pre and Post Testing Used to inform instruction. Rubrics Used to score writing and other academic projects. Scale is 1-4.
Transition Visits here and there The Counselor and Principal visited Craddock classrooms to share information about LES. The 2 nd grade students will visit LES- visit a 3 rd grade class, tour the building and play on the playground. Meet and Greet- August 19th Parent Information Night
Clubs Jump rope Club Choir Girls on the Run Study Tables DI and Robotics
Questions!!!! Thank you for coming!