Tracey McConachie- Pinelands RTLB
‘AT RISK’ REGISTER It is difficult for schools and their SENCO to have one system of setting goals for students with special educational need (behaviour, learning, gifted and talented, social…) or ways of reviewing them regularly without huge commitment of time and/or more meetings. It is difficult to ensure that an ‘At Risk’ Register is a useful working document. IEP’s are often written like a novel and never touched again or never written at all. There is often limited sharing of the huge knowledge base of a school and its staff, or it is ad hoc. There is little historical record when crisis does hit. It is difficult to look at early intervention strategies when dealing with the big stuff.
Setting the IEP vision and purpose At the start of the collaborative planning process, the team (including the student if possible) needs to agree on the IEP’s vision and primary purpose. The purpose might be classroom programme extension, alternative education, or transition into or out of a classroom or school. Setting the IEP goals The IEP team then sets goals to support the overall purpose. The IEP team needs to: identify the student’s current strengths and successes across various settings identify and agree on a few clear, achievable, measurable goals that build on current strengths and reflect next learning steps (to a maximum of four or five goals – even having one priority goal is fine) identify a few success criteria for each goal that show what success might look like identify opportunities for the student to engage with new ideas and practise new learning through various tasks and settings initiate on going planning to support the achievement of goals, for example, adaptations and differentiations. MINISTRY GUIDELINES ON IEP’s
School planning – Supporting learners with special education needs This document specifically focuses on learners who may require additional support to learn. Ministry Document (2010) The National Administration Guidelines (NAG1) require all boards to identify learners with special education needs and ensure teaching and learning strategies are developed and implemented to meet those needs. Each board, through the principal and staff, is required to: (c) on the basis of good quality assessment information, identify students and groups of students: who are not achieving; who are at risk of not achieving; who have special needs (including gifted and talented students); and aspects of the curriculum which require particular attention; (d) develop and implement teaching and learning strategies to address the needs of students and aspects of the curriculum identified in (c) above.”
REQUIREMENTS versus MANAGEABILITY How do we comply while being realistic about what is achievable, and what will maintain momentum! How do we best serve our students? The following is a system developed to support SENCO make IEP’s and ‘At Risk’ Registers become living documents that raise the capability of all.
SPECIAL NEEDS FLOW CHART Initial Concerns are raised by teacher and the Early Intervention sheet (Niggle Sheet, Individual Focus) is filled out. Sheet is taken to staff/syndicate meeting. Student is recorded on the At Risk register and suggestions are given. Ideas are written at the bottom of the sheet and one is selected and highlighted for trial. A copy of the sheet is given to the SENCO and the teacher keeps his/her sheet in their planning folder. Each week a new At Risk sheet is dated and used so that in a 4 week cycle sheets can be brought back to the meeting. To ensure the SENCO part of the staff/syndicate meeting is not drawn out don’t let it become a session where the problem is admired. Don’t allow teachers to talk about a student/problem without a sheet. Stay on track.
The benefits… One goal is manageable to write and think about. Teachers begin to think in small steps… Students are noticed earlier. Staff have a stake in all students. Staff are sharing ideas and strategies. Strategies are heard by all staff so things can be carried on when students are not with their own teacher. Regular review. (4 weekly) Principals/SENCO are able to get buy in in a positive way. Conversations are happening at other times also… “I was thinking about….” Previous teacher can share strategies. At times of transitions the new teacher has been a party to a students history and strategies that work. The school is able to address the importance of Early Intervention. Guidelines are met. Inclusive education strategies are shared. Documentation is ready for referrals and reporting.
The schools… The SENCO has 15 minute at every staff/syndicate meeting. Depending on the size of the school the syndicates may deal with them first and at staff meetings a selection of strategies could be shared or sought, and/or celebrations could be shared. Online either intranet (teacher read/write) or on school data base (KAMAR eTAP ASSEMBLY). Each school can work to adapt the system to their own needs and school setting. The important matters are… A clear system to manage special educational needs. Early Intervention. Growth conversations, that raise the capability of all. Whole school buy in. Regular reviews.