Compliance Self-Check
Points of Clarification
A child is eligible in the following areas if the IEP team determines: Regression & Recoupment Compliance: The IEP documents ESY needs in the areas of math skills, based on progress measurements taken prior to and after an instructional break. The IEP also includes the appropriate frequency, duration and location of ESY services to adequately address the child’s academic area for qualification
Self-Sufficiency Compliance: The IEP includes data collected on progress on self-sufficiency goals prior to and after summer break. The documented progress is sufficient to demonstrate that the student is maintaining needed skills and the IEP document no ESY services are needed this year.
Unique Needs Data must be documented in the IEP A description of why the child qualifies should also be in the IEP
Further Clarification ESY is determined based on available data
Progress Reporting
Points of Clarification Progress reports are shared at least as often as children who do not have a disability Clearly documented on the IEP the frequency and method progress will be shared. Answers the When and How Questions Documentation on Progress Reports provided detail on what progress is made towards the child’s goals and objectives.
Sample of Non- Compliance IEP does not include any information on how goals will be measured. IEP state that the goals will be “as measured by the special education teacher.”
Sample of Compliance Progress will be given quarterly, with 3 written reports and 1 conference. Juan’s progress will be measured through daily work, teacher observation and teacher checklists.
End of Course assessment