Moving from Middle to High School Preparing for the Transition
Differences Between Middle and High School Program options- Monroe Technology Center Program options- Monroe Technology Center Vocational Assessment Vocational Assessment Extra-curricular activities Extra-curricular activities Focus on post-secondary goals-employment, college, etc. Focus on post-secondary goals-employment, college, etc.
Service Delivery Continue to provide a continuum of services from fully self-contained settings to monitoring depending upon student needs Continue to provide a continuum of services from fully self-contained settings to monitoring depending upon student needs
Case Management Each student has a case manager Each student has a case manager Drafts IEP Drafts IEP Monitors Progress Monitors Progress Sends quarterly progress reports Sends quarterly progress reports Point of contact for parents and teachers Point of contact for parents and teachers
Coordination with Middle Schools A representative from the high school special education department will attend your child’s 8 th grade IEP meeting. A representative from the high school special education department will attend your child’s 8 th grade IEP meeting.
Basic Skills vs. Resource Basic skills- a course taken for elective credit (can be used as a consecutive elective) each year. The class focuses on strategies for success, self- advocacy, IEP goals, and organizational skills. Basic skills- a course taken for elective credit (can be used as a consecutive elective) each year. The class focuses on strategies for success, self- advocacy, IEP goals, and organizational skills. Resource- a period of time where students can work on homework and have access to their teachers for extra help. Resource- a period of time where students can work on homework and have access to their teachers for extra help.
Transition Services Transition Teacher Responsibilities Transition Teacher Responsibilities Referrals to post-secondary agencies, vocational assessment Referrals to post-secondary agencies, vocational assessment Teach Career Pathways Teach Career Pathways Attend IEP’s when appropriate Attend IEP’s when appropriate Assist with transition plans Assist with transition plans Student surveys Student surveys Interest/career inventories Interest/career inventories College guidance/applications College guidance/applications Job location/development Job location/development
Career Pathways Focus on social, independent living, and occupational skills Focus on social, independent living, and occupational skills May involve paid/non-paid work experience May involve paid/non-paid work experience Taught by transition teacher Taught by transition teacher Can be taken for consecutive elective credit beginning in grade 10 Can be taken for consecutive elective credit beginning in grade 10
SOL Remediation Students have opportunities for remediation some mandatory and others voluntary. Students have opportunities for remediation some mandatory and others voluntary. Students will be given opportunities to re-take 8 th grade SOL’s in high school Students will be given opportunities to re-take 8 th grade SOL’s in high school Remediation may take place during basic skills, resource, after school or weekend programs. Remediation may take place during basic skills, resource, after school or weekend programs.