Parent and Family Kayla Raymann Ivy Tech Community College
Table of Contents: Slide 3: IDEA Slide 4: RTI Slide 5: IEP Slide 6: IFSP Slide 7: Help Information Slide 8: Reflection Slide 9: References
IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Ensures all children and youth with disabilities have the right to a free, appropriate public education The right to have access to information and informed consent before child is evaluated, labeled, or placed You have the right to a partial hearing if you disagree with placement Always consulted about the placement and educational plan In the least restrictive environment This would be consistent with students educational needs Everything is confidential Training is provided for general education teachers to meet the needs of students with disabilities (Daniel Hallahan, 2012)
RTI Response to Intervention Students change or lack of change in academic performance or behavior from instructions Receives instructions from the general education teacher before an evaluation for special education services Teachers gather data to determine the students progress Associated with learning disabilities and academic learning Social behavior can be tested also Universal Screening: Risk of academic failure Research based instruction Weekly monitoring of progress If improvement, not further action required. If not improvement go to tier 2: Small group instructions by teacher, 3-4 times a week with research in the areas of difficulty Lasts 6-8 weeks If no improvement, a team determines if child has a disability/qualifies for tier 3 Tier 3: Special Education Intensive Intervention with a special educator who does placement based on IEP (Daniel Hallahan, 2012)
IEP Individualized Education Program Educational services that a student receives Varies from student to student along with school district to school district Developed in a meeting including a representative from the school district, the teacher, the parents or guardian, and when needed the student Should be useful, clear and legally secure Students needs are carefully assessed Professionals and parents have put together a program to best fit the students needs Goals and Objectives are clearly stated IEP is only for after an evaluation and determining the students disability Determine the students needs before the placement Students education is most important and shouldn’t be solely focused on state standards (Daniel Hallahan, 2012)
IFSP Individual Family Service Plan Similar to IEP but for older students and can involve the family also Child’s level of development in physical, cognitive, communication, psychosocial, and adaptive behavior Family strengths, resources, concerns, and priorities for child’s needs Major outcomes expected Natural environments where services will be provided Dates of service and the duration of services Service coordinator responsible for implantation of the ISFP and contacting other agencies and professionals Steps to a successful transition Written consent from parent (guardian) (Daniel Hallahan, 2012)
HELP! A S K (About Special Kids) Parents can sign up for training seminars to learn and understand everything they should be doing as a parent with their specials needs child Indiana Department of Education Parent Support Group Information ATION.pdf ATION.pdf
Reflection I chose IDEA, RTI, IEP, and IFSP because I feel they are some of the most important things about students with disabilities. Each of them can play a major role in a students time at school. Children with special needs have different ways and regulations for attending school, and knowing about each of these could help parents when they put their special needs child in school.
References Daniel Hallahan, J. K. (2012). Exceptional Learners. Pearson Education.