Who can be a Testing Liaison? The CareerTech Testing Center has only one “rule” about who can/cannot be a Testing Liaison: ***INSTRUCTORS AND INSTRUCTIONAL AIDES CANNOT BE TESTING LIAISONS*** Typically, Testing Liaisons are Counselors or guidance staff Assessment center personnel Administrators or administrative support
How do I become my school’s Testing Liaison? 1. Complete the Testing Liaison Basic Training located under the Resources link 2. Pass the quiz at the end of the training 3. Complete & fax the Confidentiality Agreement & Test Order Form to the CareerTech Testing Center 4. The CareerTech Testing Center will the Testing Liaison access information & confirm that tests have been scheduled NOTE: This process must be completed every year by all Testing Liaisons
Testing Liaison Responsibilities Coordinates a secure process for accessing & administering competency tests & distributing results. This includes: Ensuring access information to the online system is NOT shared with instructors, students, & other unauthorized persons Follow CTTC Retake Policy Participant authentication (picture ID) Monitoring computer usage for access to other resources Monitoring use of reference materials as allowed in test instructions Prohibiting use of communication devices Verifies student information is entered accurately into the testing system. Ensures a safe environment where test takers can concentrate with minimal distractions. Assists with providing accommodations for students with an I.E.P.
Test Security Testing Liaisons - Know & follow CareerTech Testing Center Policies & Procedures when administering CTTC tests & handling results
Test Security Protect security of test content, online testing system & student results - Ensure instructors, students, etc. do not have access to the tests or the online system – instructors are NOT permitted to view or take the tests for any reason Keep username & password secure – DO NOT SHARE with students, instructors, or other unauthorized persons Establish a storage system for records that maintains confidentiality of student information & results Distribute results to students quickly & in a confidential manner
Test Security Prevent cheating - Monitor computer usage & prevent access to internet or other resources Prohibit the use of all communication devices Observe test takers to deter note passing, hand gestures, etc. Verify allowed resources for the test (if any) & remove other resources from testing area
Test Security Provide a secure & safe environment for testing Consistent/adequate lighting levels Comfortable temperature with proper ventilation Quiet & minimal distractions
Test Security Serve as information resource for instructors on testing related issues Provide accommodations for students with an IEP as specified in an IEP, IRP, 504, LEP, and ELL
Testing Policies Student may only take competency assessments in areas for which they have completed training Student should be administered the competency test as soon as possible after he/she has completed instruction & all required performance assessments Testing Liaisons will work with instructors to schedule students for competency tests & make sure students are administered the appropriate test. Students are limited to three (3) attempts – a (3) day waiting period between attempts 2 & 3 Students who pass a test may not retake the test
Accessing Tests Go to the CareerTech Testing Center website & click on the Online Testing link Testing Liaison inputs the username & password & selects the test for the student Student can input their registration info as long as the Testing Liaison has a procedure in place for verifying the information is entered correctly
Entering Student Info At the beginning of each assessment, the Testing Liaison verifies that the following information is entered accurately for each student: Student Testing Number (STN) or some other number unique to that student (refer to Testing Liaison Policies & Procedures for more info) Use of a Social Security number is strictly prohibited Instructor’s Last Name Student’s First & Last Names The type of program the student is enrolled in The type of student (high school or post secondary)
Administering Tests Testing Liaison will review the test instructions with the student & ensure allowed reference materials are available. When the student has finished the test, the Testing Liaison will assist with submitting the test for scoring & accessing/printing results. 70% is a passing score on most ODCTE competency assessments Testing Liaison will collect all pencils & scratch paper Testing Liaison may not explain questions, define words, etc.
Retaking Tests Remediation is recommended prior to retesting. If a participant fails on the 1st attempt to pass a CTTC test, there is no waiting period between the 1st & 2nd attempt After the 2 nd attempt, the participant must wait 3 calendar days before retaking the examination A participant is not allowed more than 3 test attempts A student may not retake a test that he/she has already passed Violations of the above can result in loss of access to the CTTC Online Testing System and invalidation of student competency test results
ReviewingResults The Coaching Report: Shows the student’s outcome on the test (pass/fail) Breaks down student performance by duty area Documents competency attainment Identifies areas of individual remediation
Distributing Results The Coaching Report is given to the: Student Testing Liaison (to be retained with student’s test records) Coaching Reports are accessible by Testing Liaisons through the CareerTech Testing Center website.CareerTech Testing Center website
Updates Testing Liaisons should check the Updates section on the CareerTech Testing Center website for: Updates Information on system downtime and other issues Information on new alignments and endorsements Test number changes Answers to commonly asked questions Troubleshooting hints
Big Points 1. Instructors cannot be Testing Liaisons or assist with proctoring CTTC tests 2. Instructors cannot view the assessments online or take the assessment(s) 3. Username/password to online testing system is not to be shared with instructors or students 4. Students are allowed a maximum of 3 attempts to pass a Tech Skills assessment. A 3-day waiting period applies between attempts 2 & 3 5. Report suspected cheating & compromises in test security to CTTC immediately 6. Check Updates at CareerTech Testing Center website often!
Congratulations on completing the Testing Liaison Training! Please check the Resources link on the CareerTech Testing Center website for more training presentations Now, it’s time to see what you learned. Once you have completed the test, you will receive documents from the CareerTech Testing Center that must be completed & returned in order to set up your access. If you are ready to take the test, please click here -click here Username: Liaison Password (case-specific): Test Testing Liaison Test