Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School Annual Report/Charter Renewal Lodi Unified School District Board of Education
Executive Summary *CST/Science Results : Sixty-four percent of 5 th grade students scored in the range of basic to advanced Eighty-six percent of 8 th grade students scored proficient/advanced. Percent Proficient in math K-8: K-5/60% or higher/Expressions Benchmarks 6-8/78% or higher/CMP (Connected Mathematics Project) Benchmarks In grades % of the ELL students scored in the Intermediate or Advanced level on the California English Language Development Test. The students that did not attain the Intermediate level have an IEP. Pathway to Bi-Literacy Award from San Joaquin County of Education: Eighth Grade-35 Fifth Grade-25 Third Grade-35
Executive Summary (Continued) The school will continue to utilize benchmarks in Spanish Language Arts and English Language Arts. Aprenda 3 Assessment will be administered to all students in grades 1-8 to measure academic progress in Spanish. Aprenda 3 Assessment will also assist in identifying eighth grade students eligible for AP Track in Spanish at Lodi and Tokay High School. Parent participation exceeded 4929 hours during the school year. Service Learning Activities are promoted in each grade. Art, drama, music, each week in grades K-5 Band Instruction available for 4 th -8 th grade students. The JSCS Band has performed at Loel Center, Parade of Lights, downtown Lodi and local wineries.
Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School Core Elements of Serna Charter: Two-way Immersion-Progress to attain proficiency in Spanish and English. Focus on effective instructional strategies and techniques that promote high student engagement and problem solving K-8. California Common Core State Standards/Spanish & English Integrated/Thematic Instruction that is designed to encourage students to analyze, problem solving, application and cooperative learning. Personalized learning focused on equity- Students are provided the necessary support to access the curriculum and make academic progress.
Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School Professional Development Focus Teachers spend an average of hours in professional development each year in the following areas: California Common Core State Standards (Math, ELA, ELD, Science Instruction/Lesson Planning Dual language development instruction in Spanish/English training Expressions Math-Expreciones Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD) Assessment and Data Analysis Learning Headquarters Writing Program-English/Spanish AVID – 6 th -8 th Grade
Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School - Demographics Demographics
Percent of Students Meeting California English Language Development Test Criterion – Fall 2014
ACTION PLAN Providing direct explicit instruction in English Language Development/English Language Arts to address the achievement gap of English Language Learners. Next Generation Science Resource Bin-Rourke Curriculum is used K-5 for ELD/ELA instruction. The Professional Learning Community Rubric provides a focus document to guide our work. Continue to insure staff has access to professional development focused on California Common Core State Standards (Math, ELA,SLA, ELD, Science.) Intensive focus on data analysis to drive instruction and to make appropriate recommendations for academic interventions for students. Teachers will refer to the Common Core State Standards (Math, ELA. SLA, ELD, Science) to develop a scope and sequence K-8. Data will be analyzed by grade level and cross grade level. Staff will identify students not making adequate progress in ELA/Math and develop an action plan to provide comprehensive academic intervention.
ACTION PLAN (Continued) As a learning community we will continue to promote the positive aspects of upcoming Smarter Balanced Assessment. We will celebrate student and school success and valuing the importance of setting academic goals in English and Spanish. Continue to increase access to technology for all students. Access support from technology coach to support staff and students. Targeted instruction utilizing Junior Great Books in Spanish and English. Academic interventions for students in grades K-8 will include: After school intervention groups, intervention groups during the school day will also be provided. Summer School will also be offered to students needing a level of support and re-teaching to prepare for the school year. The JSCS staff will visit and network with schools to compare and contrast the best practices to increase academic achievement in a dual language immersion program in Spanish and English. The JSCS staff will continue to have open communication with parents to improve and refine the Common Core Standards report card template for grades K-5.