Research-Development Partnership for Poverty Reduction in West Africa PRONAF (Cowpea for Africa Project) O. Coulibaly International Institute of Tropical.


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Presentation transcript:

Research-Development Partnership for Poverty Reduction in West Africa PRONAF (Cowpea for Africa Project) O. Coulibaly International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

Objectives and Strategies for a Research and Development Partnership POVERTYREDUCTION Access to Social Services High Productivity Reduction of losses Access to markets (Input/Products) Access to Capital Reinforcement Capacity/decision Capacity/decision Environmental Protection Food Security (Quant, qual) (Quant, qual) * REVENUES (Ag-Nag)

 Development and marketing of des Varieties, (Output, diseases, insects, drought, quality).  Post harvesting Technologies Productivity and Quality of Products Seeding multiplication

Field of a new variety of Cowpea in Nigeria

Synthesis of activities carried out: test results from FODESA villages

 Develop an alternative to chemical pesticides / Environmental health and protection (Semi-mechanised, women’s work Long term technical solutions Extracts of Neem and Papaya

Working mechanisms  SNRA Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Nigeria (Regional Steering Committee) Pays  National committee include IFAD development projects  Collaboration with NGOs, Organisations, Farmers, Transformers, Suppliers, etc.  Research Collaboration - Development of networks with Universities  Constraints: Delays in release of funds

Reinforcement of Optimal decisional capacities Farmers observing and analysing the agro-ecosystems of the Cowpea A woman farmer presenting results after a group analysis.

Session of the reinforcement of Impact Analysis Capacities (Food Security, Environment, Poverty Reduction) IFAD Projects, SNRVA,Public-private, NGO. (Mali, 2002) Mali (2), Benin (3), Guinea, Togo, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Cameroon FIDA… USAID, DANIDA.. AfDB

Contribution of the NIEBE Filière to Food security, Environmental protection and poverty reduction. Develop and broadcast Technologies Germoplasm Post harvest fields Durable systems Information on Business Markets Analyse/Decide Agricultural policies Empower Partners Producers Suppliers (Private) Seed producers Development agents Researchers Public figures holding policy making power Facilitate Collaboration/Partnership with ONGs, Private and Public sectors, Networks, Universities, AATF

Partenariat Recherche- Developpement (Grant-Investissement) FIDA Actors/Parteners Productors (Women) Organisations Transformers Vendors Consumers Politicians PRONAF (IITA-SNRA) IFAD Grant Projects Investments IFAD (others)

- Burkina Faso CES-AGF, PDRSO PAMER, PDRSO,CES- AGF Typology, FFF, Capacity (Training Impact) BéninPDRT PROMIC, PAGER Training Impact Evaluation- -Filière studies Impact assessment on technologies Mali FODESA, PDR-MS, PDZL PDR-MSPDZL Training Impact IPM, Var., Evaluation de Impact-Evaluation

Scientific collaboration with the Bean/Cowpea Collaborative Research Support Programme (B/C CRSP), the African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF), NGIGA, universities (in Africa, Australia, Europe, the United States).  studies on the perception and acceptance of genetically modified cowpea varieties in West Africa  analysis of the production and distribution pipeline for cowpea varieties (both genetically modified and non- genetically modified)  evaluation of the potential regional impact of genetically modified cowpea in West Africa, and strategic recommendations  undertaking of a policy dialogue to support new institutional arrangements for sustaining technological changes

Commercial losses due to aflatoxins  US$670 million (9 African Countries) Peanut Milk Corn

Rural Economics Training Modules 1. Analysis of the (technical-institutional) impact on poverty 1. Analysis of the (technical-institutional) impact on poverty 2. Economics of the quality and hygiene of agricultural products (standards) 2. Economics of the quality and hygiene of agricultural products (standards) 3. Competitiveness of agriculture (international trade) 3. Competitiveness of agriculture (international trade) 4. Economics of agricultural pipelines 4. Economics of agricultural pipelines 5. Economics of biotechnology 5. Economics of biotechnology 6. Gender, equity and poverty 6. Gender, equity and poverty 7. Participatory methods – partners 7. Participatory methods – partners 8. Public-private-NGO partnership 8. Public-private-NGO partnership 9. Economics of health – AIDS/malaria – agriculture 9. Economics of health – AIDS/malaria – agriculture