Wholistic Health Care Serve persons with the greatest care and love in a community that celebrates the gift of life. Ethical and Religious Directives. Social, Spiritual, Professional Total needs of the human person: - Biological/Physical - Psychological – emotional/mental - Social – relationships with others - Spiritual – higher values, higher power, God
Pastoral Care at Saint Francis Emotional, Social and Spiritual needs. Purpose is not to evangelize or preach. Be present with no agenda. Offer prayer, sacraments.
Areas of Ministry Critical cases and emergencies: blue alerts, full arrests, traumas. Death and Dying: support throughout the grieving process. Organ and tissue donations Open heart surgery, transplant services, dialysis, neurology, oncology Children’s hospital: neonatal, PICU, cardiac care, St. Jude On call pager (24 hours): Cardiac pager (24 hours):
Areas of Ministry Pre-surgical, during surgery, post surgical. Referrals Contact with community – ecumenical openness.
Pastoral Care Team Msgr. Michael Bliss, Director Catholic staff Protestant staff Eucharistic Ministry – 30 volunteers, 3/day Secretary – Nancy Suwalski,
Sacramental Ministry Communion - Catholic, Protestant Baptism – in emergency Other Catholic sacraments - Anointing of Sick – pre-surgical and critical needs - Reconciliation – confession of sins
Chapel Services Catholic Masses: - Sunday 11 am - Mon. – Fri. 6:15 am - Saturday 4:00 pm Chapel – open 24 hours a day Quarterly Memorial Mass St. Anthony Prayer Room
Specific Ethical Concerns Abortion Birth Control FertilityEuthanasia Dying with Dignity Ethics Committee available for consult
Ethics Consultation at SFMC
How to request an ethics consult Ethics Consultations can be initiated by calling 5- PALS. The service is available 24/7. –After hours the call will be triaged by the nursing supervisor. –If it is determined to be urgent the ethicist on call will be paged, otherwise the consult will be given to the ethicist the next morning. Consults may be requested when an ethical issue arises, when clarification of issues or policy is needed, or when there are questions about whether a particular action or decision supports the mission of SFMC.
How Can We Identify Ethical Issues? Infringement on human dignity Fail to show respect to human beings We fail to show respect we do not regard: –Autonomy –Need for basic goods –Vulnerability to harm –Equal access to care –Relationships with others/communities DuBois, J., A Framework for Analyzing Ethics Cases, available
Remember... A request for an ethics consult does not mean anything wrong or un-ethical occurred Anyone may request an ethics consult: patient, family, physician, nurse, etc. Ethics consults help us make good decisions in light of our values Ethics consults improve patient care and may reduce the moral distress of staff If a follow-up consultation is requested and a different consultant responds, please let him or her know about any previous consults regarding the issue or patient
Literature available Pamphlets Prayer Book Bibles and devotional books available on request Mission and Values Any questions????