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Presentation transcript:

The Legacy of Emergency Notification and Communication Systems Stephen Treisman Regional Manager

Background of Presentation How the World Was just a few years ago. The Different Types of Notification Systems How they came to be Functionality Pro’s and Con’s of the various types of Emergency Notification solutions In-house vs. Hosted Key factors to consider (Cost, features, flexibility) A View from the Inside looking Out Product Demonstration

Early Domestic Emergency Notification Systems: One if by Land, Two if By Sea. Smoke Signals Carrier Pigeons Phone and then personal action. Just Think Before 1980: No Answering Machine, No Voice Mail, No Pagers, No Email, No PDA, No Internet, No Blackberry, No Cell Phone, No Fax, etc. Only One Long Distance Phone Company And it was a much easier world!

The World Has Changed Since 1980 Imagine what it will be like in 2015? Obsolete Terms and Equipment: Horse and Buggy Milk Trucks and Delivery Doctors who make house calls 10 letter word using only top row of keys on the typewriter. Telemarketing calls. (Well maybe not) And Most Important: “Gee I tried to call you” Can anyone attempt to guess what will be available within the next 10 years?

What Happened! Events of September 11, 2001 Passage of Sarbanes-Oxley Fortune 500 companies are now required to have a Business Continuity Plan. Notifying employees and other key personnel in the event of an emergency must be part of that plan. Since 2001 over two dozen Emergency Notification systems have arrived. I’ve counted 64 different systems. It’s the Application, Stupid! (Specialty) Appointments, Follow ups, Marketing Surveys

Evolvement of Notification Systems Dialogic – Leader for 22 Years Systems Came from the Call Center World Predictive Dialing Capabilities Hardware Based, Ports to Maintain, On Site, Maintain, Manage, Upgrade Combining Predictive Dialing - Text to Speech Software Based. Web Hosed, Easy to Use Capabilities and Cost Vary As low as $3000 per year. Exceed 6 figures. Most Solutions today are software based.

Three Types Of Systems Binder – (Call Tree, etc). In – House System Advantages: (Inexpensive, No Technology Required) Disadvantages: (Hard to maintain, Limited Capability, Least Reliable, Single Access Point ) In – House System Advantages: (Own Equipment, Compliance, Security) Disadvantages : (Most Expensive, Uses Most Resources, One Location and the problem is at your location.) Hosted System Advantages: (No equipment costs, Uses Least Resources, Multiple Locations, Greatest Functionality) Disadvantages: (Possible subject to system availability, cost can be high)

Aside from Common Sense, why choose an Emergency Notification System? What is the system going to be used for? To protect your people, your assets, your company and community Managing an emergency gets more difficult the longer you wait to organize and take action” - Deputy Chief Turner, Minneapolis Emergency Response Director “Two out of five enterprises that experience a disaster go out of business within five years.” - Gartner Group “The problem started about an hour before it hit us. We could have reacted if we would have received an alert when the first system went down.” – MI Utility spokesperson on the worst blackout in US history “There was a 22% difference in stock price for companies that responded well to a crisis versus those that did not. – Oxford University & Sedgewick Group

CRISIS When written in Chinese, the word “Crisis” is composed of two characters – one represents danger and one represents opportunity.

First Things First - Check List My Organization – It’s Size, Type Locations, national or International? Public/Private? How many employees. Do We have a Crisis Management Team? Key people and how will they communicate? Who needs to know under which circumstance? How are we getting the word out now? Call trees? – Try the game of telephone. A Chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Email? – What if its down or I’m not there? Conference Bridges? – If the phones are working. Other? – Fax, Paging, Good Luck

Check List Items to Consider Capacity of my present system How many people do we need to reach. When where and by what means. Can you know who received and acknowledges a call? Date, Time, User, Method, Complete Acknowledgement? How often is it really used and for what? Reliability – can the vendor back that with a Service Level Agreement ( SLA) Maintenance: Who maintains the system and persons on the lists? Flexibility of system – your business and people constantly change, the system needs too.

Questions To Address What are the different types of situations you encounter? (Critical vs. Non-Critical) How many people do you typically need to involve during an incident (i.e. first responders, problem resolution team, and simple awareness)? Is there a need to diversify this group into main groups and subgroups? What are the key drivers pursuing this type of solution? Do we need a record (audit trail) of every situation? How often to we encounter a “situation”? How often do we need to send an alert to employees?

Other Things to Consider: Database and Lists Compatible with present software Software or Hardware based Who needs to be notified Layers and layers of mgt? Grouping layers of admin. Audit of notification response Power Supply Flexibility Can we test the system? How often are we going to use the system? Ability to form response teams Vendor Support Support for all devices. Privacy and Security Price – Total Price Is Price based on # of alerts? Is Price based on method of contact. Price based on number of tries? Ease of Use Reliability - Reporting Training Maintenance Ability to private chat Ways to trigger and alert. Ability to automate Emergency Response function.

Going from Reactive To Proactive Access the damage quickly and take specific actions to minimize. “We learn by our failures not our successes” Use the crisis management team to communicate with employees, shareholders and all affected parties. Not knowing is sometimes worse than the tragedy Persistent communication across all areas in a coordinated approach is optimal

What happens after you notify? Biggest Problem of any Catastrophe? Not everyone is on the same page. Left hand has no idea what right hand is doing? “Its great that we were able to notify everyone 14 different ways that the theater was on fire. Unfortunately all the doors were locked, there was no escape path and everyone died” Combine notification with collaboration Second biggest problem Where is everybody Who is doing what. How are we going to solve “situation” Access to critical documents. Reduce the time knowing about a situation and doing something about it. Combine Incident Notification with Incident Management

Combining Incident Notification with a Live Situation Center Get the Word Out Immediate delivery of Alert messages to the right people - no matter the communication device including phone, email, pager, SMS, & fax Interactive voice response Acknowledge receipt of Alert message Bring the Team Together Online Situation Center Real-time information sharing Task assignment & progress updates Alert message delivery status and online presence Post messages, links, documents, sound, video & other file types Archived incident record for future analysis

Quickly Send Alert & Create Situation Center 1. Select Situation Type to populate the resource library 2. Type in alert subject and message 3. Add teams or individuals to the recipient list 4. Hit Save to send the alert and create the Situation Center

Alert message delivered to all devices The Alert is immediately sent to all email, pagers, fax, & SMS devices. The message is also converted into speech and the system calls telephones in the preferred order. Pager Phone Email Fax Mobile SMS Click here to listen to the alert Click to advance slide

Civic Emergency Situation Center Manage large scale group communications. Coordinate multi-agency responses. Ensure group awareness of all activities. Situation Log contain messages, files, pictures, etc. that make it easy for the team to collaborate and share information. The entire group can see how the situation has been developing and decide how best to respond. Confirm who received the alert. The recipient can acknowledge with a comment (example: ETA 15 minutes) using email, 2 way pager or via the web. Know who is online and logged into MissionMode with the presence icon. Access contact details and notes by clicking on name. Know who is responsible for specific tasks, progress, and time to completion. Tasks can be easily assigned to individuals or groups. Quick management insight to activities related to resolving the problem. Distribute detailed procedures and instructions. Situation Type specific documents, links or other files ensures the team has most up to date plans.

What I would do If I were buying a system of this type First do an audit and determine which type of system is right for my needs. Get a demonstration of all applicable products. Best way to determine if this is the right system is by seeing it. Good products with good vendors love to show their products. Don’t over analyze. (Effort vs. cost of project). Where did the solution come from? Who uses it? (Get references) Test it. Some work, some don’t! See if I can get a pilot, even if it costs. Lease don’t buy. The world is changing. Commit for a short time frame (One Year).

For Additional Information: Stephen Treisman Region Manager MissionMode Solutions (310) 542-5613 (310) 292-9622