MonTuesWedThurFri ALL: KNOWSYS Set #17 OL: Shaggy Dog Murder Trial- make posters. Pre-AP: TKAM bring book Tues. Essay one pager. HW- study vocab- Quiz Friday ALL: KNOWSYS Practice #17 OL: C Notes- US Courts Vocabulary Prezi Pre-AP: Video C Notes “Free at Last” HW- PPT C Notes HW- study vocab- Quiz Friday ALL: Reading CBA ALL: Library book check out with Ms. White. ALL: KNOWSYS Quiz #17 OL: Shaggy Dog Murder Trial Pre-AP: TKAM- Boo Radley Character Quotes RELA Agenda for 2/11-2/15
I CAN: determine the meaning of grade-level vocabulary. Do Now: Correct these sentences: 1.Rrrr 2.rrr KNOWSYS: set #17 OL: Shaggy Dog Murder Trial Posters AP: To Kill a Mockingbird- essay one pager Homework: ALL- Review KNOWSYS #17- test Friday RELA February 11, 2013
Essential Question OL: What do you know about how the American court system works? Have you had any direct experience with a legal court? Pre-AP: What do you know about how the American court system works? Have you had any direct experience with a legal court?
I CAN: make complex inferences based on my reading of literary texts (drama, novel). Do Now: Correct these sentences: 1.Rrrr 2.rrr KNOWSYS: set #17 OL: "Shaggy Dog Murder Trial“ Vocabulary Prezi /ISN notesVocabulary Prezi Introduce Characters- C Notes AP: To Kill a Mockingbird- Video C Notes “Free at Last”“Free at Last” Homework: ALL- Review KNOWSYS #17- test Friday RELA February 12, 2013
Essential Question OL: What have you learned about the American court system? Pre-AP: How did Jim Crow laws affect people living in the South in the first half of the twentieth century?
Reading CBA #2 RELA February 13, 2013
Library with Mrs. White RELA February 14, 2013
I CAN: determine the meaning of grade-level vocabulary Do Now: Correct these sentences: 1.Rrrr 2.rrr KNOWSYS: set #17 quiz OL: "Shaggy Dog Murder Trial“ AP: To Kill a Mockingbird- Boo Radley Character Quotes & “Summarizing Paraphasing Quoting” Handout RELA February 15, 2013
Essential Question OL: In the American court system which side presents first? Pre-AP: How did Jim Crow laws affect people living in the South in the first half of the twentieth century?