Talking Points Tobacco Free USC Campus Wide Policy – January 1, 2014
Tobacco Free USC Effective: January 1, 2014 Tobacco Free Campus Policy – from President 10/22/13 – Enforced 1/1/14 Review Purpose of Policy and Essentials of Policy The 3 T’s Implementation Plan – Tell, Treat and Train How You Can Help
1.To provide a healthy campus in which to live, learn, work and play. 2.To support the health and well-being of all Gamecocks. 3.Support the university’s commitment to public health and sustainability The specific intent of this policy is to: Create an environment that is conducive to quitting tobacco To promote the prevention of tobacco use and To prevent the risks associated with exposure to second- hand smoke. Purpose of the Policy
What is the Policy? Covered Individuals Faculty, staff, visitors, students, volunteers, contractors and vendors Definitions “Tobacco and smoking products” include, all tobacco-derived or containing products, including but not limited to cigarettes (i.e. clove, bidis, kreteks), electronic cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos, pipes, water pipes, smokeless tobacco products or substitutions (spit and spitless, chew, pouches, snuff) or any other device intended to simulate smoked tobacco. This does not apply to nicotine replacement therapy, which is designed to assist tobacco users to quit tobacco. “University property” shall include all buildings, facilities, grounds and spaces leased, owned or controlled by the University of South Carolina whether or not signs are posted.
What is the Policy? Use of Tobacco Products The use of any tobacco and smoking products are prohibited on University property. No ashtrays, receptacles or smoking shelters will be permitted. The use of tobacco products in University owned, operated or leased vehicles and personal vehicles on University property is prohibited. USC also discourages the use of tobacco products by all covered individuals on properties adjacent to the campus.
What is the Policy? Support of Tobacco Products All tobacco industry promotions, advertising, marketing, are prohibited on university properties. Includes Tobacco industry and related company sponsorship of athletic events and athletes is prohibited. The university discourages the acceptance of any funds from tobacco companies.
The 3 Ts of Tobacco-free Policy Implementation TELL about the policy via good signage, branding, and integrated, consistent communication Treat tobacco users by providing NRT (free preferably) and a menu of counseling/behavioral support Train staff and volunteers in firm yet compassionate scripting in handling violators Hahn, E.J., Fallin, A., Darville, A., Kercsmar, S.E., McCann, M., Record, R. (2012). The Three T’s of adopting tobacco-free policies on college campuses. Nursing Clinics of North America, 47(1),
TELL - New Signage Focusing on: Parking lots Periphery of Campus Green Spaces Trash Cans Removal of cigarette butt receptacles in December Emphasize messages on littering
TELL - One Pager
TELL - Campus Map Adding statement that USC property is 100% tobacco free
Tell - Postcard
Tell - Advertisements
TREAT: Programs and Resources Campus Wellness offers multiple options – Technology-based: phone, web, text Quit for Life for State Health Plan members (Medication & Coaching) - Call QUIT4LIFE Deer Oaks - Call EAP-2400 SC State Quitline for Uninsured and Underinsured QUIT-NOW ( ) Pharmacy in Thomson Student Health Center has Nicotine Replacement Therapy available: (803)
TRAIN: Policy Enforcement Everyone Plays a Part Emphasize we are asking for respect for the policy First priority is to make aware of the policy Educate about treatment options If violators continue or refuse to respect the policy they can be addressed by disciplinary action
TRAIN: Policy Enforcement Staff: Management will follow disciplinary policy for repeat violators – Supervisor Toolkit for Coaching Students: Code of Conduct – Focuses on Education about tobacco, referral to treatment with repeat violations requiring essay, fines and community service – accoSanctions pdf accoSanctions pdf Faculty – Report violations to Unit Head Visitors, Affiliates, Vendors, Contractors – Everyone’s Responsibility
Key Words for Key Moments: Promoting Respect for the Policy via Scripting If you see a person using tobacco on USC property: Be polite and friendly Assume that the person does not know about the policy Explain that tobacco use is not permitted on USC property, grounds or spaces Offer a USC Tobacco Free Campus Policy information card
Consistent scripting will ensure that the message is firm, polite and compassionate Example: If you see someone using tobacco products: “Hello, my name is [your name] and I am a(n) [position/student] here with the University of South Carolina. Are you are aware that we don’t allow the use of tobacco products of any kind on campus? Please respect our policy and put your cigarette (or cigar) out and dispose of it in a trash can. I also wanted to let you know that there are free resources here on campus to help you quit tobacco if you are ready. Visit the web site for more information. I really appreciate your willingness to help us keep our campus tobacco free.” Where am I allowed to use tobacco products? “Smoking and other tobacco products are not allowed anywhere on the USC campus. “ If the person using tobacco becomes hostile: Walk away and contact campus police.
TRAIN: Policy Enforcement Additional Tools to Help: – Supervisor Toolkit – Scripting Handout/Video on how to approach violators – Informational Cards regarding policy – Website- Reporting Form for Hot Spots
Maintaining Compliance Compliance must-go-hand in hand with compassion Using best judgment in tragic and stressful situations It takes everyone!
We Need Your Help Incorporate the message in communications Know the policy Enforce the policy with respect and empathy Encourage tobacco users to use treatment resources available.
Questions? Find out more information at: View the policy and find resources at: For help with a policy related issue