Company name: Company name, address, www Name of contact person, mail, tlf. (confidentiality details) Summary with value proposition for the investor Our product is unique and solves a large problem Customers are xyz and their benefit is enormous We have an incredible team and we are ready for aggressive growth We are looking for x,x M DKK Consider the language of the presentation Presentation: Use this one-pager as your end slide instead of dark screen or Q&A <20% do it well! Source: Silicon Valley Association of Start-up Entrepreneurs INSERT LOGO
Problem/need _____________________________________ CONFIDENTIAL INVESTOR PRESENTATION 2 ”So what?” Explain the exact problem that is being solved and the client benefits Images are often better than words How serious is it – who has a “pain” and how big is it? How much are they willing to pay? Short, precise and easy and easy to understand <10% do it well
INSERT LOGO Solution, product, service _____________________________________ _______________________________________ _____________________________________ FORTROLIG INVESTOR PRÆSENTATION 3 Describe the solution/product so that everyone understands it What is ”the special sauce”? Patents/rights? What is the client/user benefit? How do we make money – what is the business model?
INSERT LOGO Customers and Market _____________________________________ FORTROLIG INVESTOR PRÆSENTATION 4 Insert logo If their is no revenue, describe that you have a ”letter of intent” or tell about which reactions you have got from potential clients so far. Important: what is the market potential for the revenue from your solution. Many are caught by an incorrectly defined potential. Often a combination of bottom-up and top-down approach Test with someone who have tried it before Beware of ”if we just had 1% of the world market” Realism and research = credibility
INSERT LOGO Competitors CONFIDENTIAL INVESTOR PRESENTATION 5 The axis should be the crucial factors in your customer value proposition Often used axis are price, TCO – total cost of ownership, quality, delivery time, ROI… Realism & research = credibility Analyze selected competitors in a table showing features with green check-marks and red crosses, helping you define your positioning et _________________________________ <30% do it well
INSERT LOGO Status and next steps _____________________________________ CONFIDENTIAL INVESTOR PRESENTATION 6 What has been achieved so far? Products, customers, team, etc. Competencies: Who is in the team now? What kind of competencies are you looking for? What are the next steps and key-milestones? Investor: Level of financing? Competencies?