Overview of Ministry and Responsibilities Questions Input and Ideas What is going well What can be improved What can be added What resources would increase effectiveness
Focus upon auditorium and worship service Usher Ministry Team Team Leaders Ushers Usher assistants
Team Priorities: Comfort and Care ▪ Assist people in the auditorium, care for need, seat people ▪ Take offering ▪ Monitor service, assist in emergencies Periodically check the parking lots and facilities ▪ For people who need assistance ▪ For security of people and the property Team Composition 5 Members: 1 Lead Usher, 5 Ushers
Lead Usher – one per service Arrive 25 minutes before the start of the service Stay active and accessible during the service Usher Arrive at least 15 minutes before the service starts Continue at least 5 minutes after the service starts Be alert to needs throughout the service Greet, assist others 15 minutes after service ends
Scan the bulletin, learn about special events Where and when, who can attend, how to get further information Review Sunday School class locations Especially children’s classes Review Ushers Responsibilities Card Check with lead usher for instructions, special needs, etc Find out when the offering will be taken during the service Put on name tag, positive attitude and a smile!
Give Newcomers TOP priority Answer their questions Assist them Direct them to the Guest Center Request they fill out a Connections Card Offer to collect their Connection Card after the service If possible, seat them and introduce them BY NAME to regular attendees seated around them Try to find them after the service to offer further assistance and to thank them for attending
Welcome people, offer to seat them Offer assistance to people who look like they need help Assist late arrivals, offer them a bulletin, help seat them Help set up extra chairs Help with offering and counting people in attendance When seated during the service Be alert to needs, distractions or special situations around you Seek help immediately if there is a medical emergency Be available and willing if the lead usher needs help during the service After the service Greet at least one person you do not know or do not know well Encourage, compliment and thank people for attending
Don’t Panic – people need you to stay calm Render any immediate help or aid you can Instruct others who come to help Instruction Guidelines 1 st usher/person: Provide immediate assistance 2 nd usher/person: Locate onsite medical people 3 rd usher/person: Call 911 if instructed, relay information from attending medical people 4 th usher: Clear chairs from the immediate area, open up aisle for emergency medical crew, get supplies requested by attending medical people 5 th usher: Go outside of front entry to meet emergency crew and escort them to the person needing medical attention
Before first service - check through facilities. Make sure doors are unlocked, lights are on, fans are on, remove litter Get pager from the nursery Make sure necessary supplies for usher ministry are in place and adequate Assign areas of service and responsibilities to usher team, make sure team is functioning Find Usher Assistants to help with the offering, make sure they are prepared to serve when called upon Monitor the service – look for needs or emergencies Monitor the building and parking lot during the service, answer the phone, offer assistance to people in the halls Thank people for coming, notify office if anything “odd” occurred
Informal relationship to usher ministry Filled on a need basis on Sunday mornings Assist in collecting the offering Assist in setting up chairs and other irregular types of tasks or needs for the service
Do you have questions or desire any clarifications regarding the Usher ministry? How can the Usher ministry be improved? What is going well What can be improved What can be added What resources would increase effectiveness