BACKFWDEND Seminary Alert & Notification System BACKFWDEND
BACKFWDEND When a crisis or emergency occurs, the Seminary is authorized to transmit a message to your phone, pager, fax, Blackberry or or advising you of the emergency and precautions to take. Alerts are free ; however, your cellular provider may charge for text messaging. This is your personal connection to real time updates, instructions on where to go, what or what not to do, who to contact and other important information. What is the ? The Seminar- Alert & Notification System is an e lectronic messaging system using high speed computers, administered by the Montgomery County Department of Public Safety, to send instant alerts directly to you.Montgomery County Department of Public Safety
BACKFWDEND How can I receive notices ? Simply login to the ReadyMontco site and provide the method you wish to receive your emergency notifications (pager, cell phone, fax, ). Navigate to the My Alerts section and select Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary from the colleges and universities section.ReadyMontco site Your contact information is confidential and will only be used for the purpose of emergency notifications. Also, you can request to be removed from the program at any time. In addition to receiving alerts concerning the campus community and Montgomery County, you can receive public alerts from other Southeastern Pennsylvania counties or other municipalities by visiting the Ready Notify PA website.
BACKFWDEND In addition to receiving alerts concerning the campus community, you can receive public alerts from your county or other municipalities by visiting the Ready Notify PA website. Learn More about the Ready MONTCO emergency notification system by clicking on the logo. Are websites available with more information ?