Chris Hauth 6 th Degree Black Belt We Empower People!
Stay Safe A Safety Awareness Program
Tips to Remember Cell phone, keys, whistle, pager, pepper spray etc. Share information with other people close to you. Lock your vehicle If something feels “off”- back out. Be aware of your surroundings, walking or driving. Especially when stopped. If a threat is made, report it! Keep car keys separated from house keys. Keep garage door opener hidden, or better yet, take it with you. Do not leave personal identifying information in your car. Auto Registration, Cell phone, PDA, laptop etc. Do not leave keys in your car. Have keys ready when you return to your car. Walk with confidence and project an attitude that you know where you are going. If you are working late at night and are concerned for your safety as you walk to your car, call the local police to accompany you to your car.
4 Levels of Conflict Intimidation, Aggression or Influence
LETHALAGGRESSIVEFORCEFUL 4 Levels of Conflict Intimidation, Aggression or Influence VERBAL PHYSICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL Clothes Tattoos Muscles Hair Car Accessories Weapons Name Calling Swearing Questions Arguing Verbal Defiance
LETHALAGGRESSIVEFORCEFUL 4 Levels of Conflict Intimidation, Aggression or Influence VERBAL PHYSICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL Clothes Tattoos Muscles Hair Car Accessories Weapons Name Calling Swearing Questions Arguing Verbal Defiance Pushing Impeding Path Hands On Inappropriate Touch Sexual Harassment Passive or Aggressive
LETHALAGGRESSIVEFORCEFUL 4 Levels of Conflict Intimidation, Aggression or Influence VERBAL PHYSICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL Clothes Tattoos Muscles Hair Car Accessories Weapons Body Language (stance, walk with purpose) Eye Contact LOOK, LISTEN, PAY ATTENTION Straight Shoulders and Back Chin up ClothesUniform Name Calling Swearing Questions Arguing Verbal Defiance Pushing Impeding Path Hands On Inappropriate Touch Sexual Harassment Passive or Aggressive
LETHALAGGRESSIVEFORCEFUL 4 Levels of Conflict Intimidation, Aggression or Influence VERBAL PHYSICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL Clothes Tattoos Muscles Hair Car Accessories Weapons Body Language (stance, walk with purpose) Eye Contact LOOK, LISTEN, PAY ATTENTION Straight Shoulders and Back Chin up ClothesUniform Name Calling Swearing Questions Arguing Verbal Defiance Pushing Impeding Path Hands On Inappropriate Touch Sexual Harassment Passive or Aggressive Loud Verbal Commands Voice Inflection Clear and Concise Direction Yell
LETHALAGGRESSIVEFORCEFUL 4 Levels of Conflict Intimidation, Aggression or Influence VERBAL PHYSICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL Clothes Tattoos Muscles Hair Car Accessories Weapons Body Language (stance, walk with purpose) Eye Contact LOOK, LISTEN, PAY ATTENTION Straight Shoulders and Back Chin up ClothesUniform Name Calling Swearing Questions Arguing Verbal Defiance Pushing Impeding Path Hands On Inappropriate Touch Sexual Harassment Passive or Aggressive Loud Verbal Commands Voice Inflection Clear and Concise Direction Yell Blocking Striking Standing Your Ground Distractions Joint Manipulation Pressure Points
Chris Hauth 6 th Degree Black Belt We Empower People!