Decimals Let’s Get To The Point!
Decimals Decimals are based on a whole being split into ten equal parts one or more times. Decimals are numbers that are expressed using a decimal point. The U.S. monetary system is based on the decimal system.
I already know decimals! Wait a second… The U.S. monetary system is based on the decimal system. That means… If I know money, I already know decimals!
How much does a soda cost?
How much does a soda cost? 5 Dimes 50 Pennies 50 Cents $.50 (Hey, that’s a decimal!)
What does Fifty-Cent look like?
What does Fifty-Cent look like? Not Quite… Wrong guy and wrong thing to define. I want to know what $.50 looks like.
What does $.50 look like? 50 Pennies, .50, 50/100 5 Dimes, .5, 5/10,
What does $.47 look like? 47 Pennies, .47, 47/100 Oops…Not quite 5 dimes
A little more than 8 dimes What does $.82 look like? 82 Pennies, .82, 82/100 A little more than 8 dimes
Learning Place Values We can extend the whole number place value chart to include decimal values. The decimal point is read as and. The place right after the decimal point is in the tenths spot, then hundredths, then thousands…
98.7654 9 is in the tens place 8 is in the
98.7654 9 is in the tens place 8 is in the ones place Decimal
98.7654 9 is in the tens place 8 is in the ones place Decimal 7 is in the tenths place 6 is in the
98.7654 9 is in the tens place 8 is in the ones place Decimal 7 is in the tenths place 6 is in the hundredths place 5 is in the
98.7654 9 is in the tens place 8 is in the ones place Decimal 7 is in the tenths place 6 is in the hundredths place 5 is in the thousandths place 4 is in the
98.7654 9 is in the tens place 8 is in the ones place Decimal 7 is in the tenths place 6 is in the hundredths place 5 is in the thousandths place 4 is in the ten-thousands place
How would I say 67.34?
How would I say 67.34? Sixty-seven
How would I say 67.34? Sixty-seven AND
How would I say 67.34? Sixty-seven AND thirty-four
How would I say 67.34? Sixty-seven AND thirty-four hundredths
How would I say 213.972?
How would I say 213.972? Two hundred thirteen
How would I say 213.972? Two hundred thirteen AND
How would I say 213.972? Two hundred thirteen AND nine hundred seventy-two
How would I say 213.972? Two hundred thirteen AND nine hundred seventy-two thousandths
How would I say 98.7654?
How would I say 98.7654? Ninety Eight
How would I say 98.7654? Ninety Eight AND
How would I say 98.7654? Ninety Eight AND seven thousand six hundred fifty-four
How would I say 98.7654? Ninety Eight AND seven thousand six hundred fifty-four ten-thousandths
What have I learned today? What is a decimal? Decimal Place Values Read Decimals
You are now a Decimal Champion!
Now the Good Part…Applying what you have learned. Pages 60-61 Numbers 1-18