DACNET implementation at Directorate of Cotton Development, Mumbai Prepared by NIC, MSU, Mumbai
DACNET An Intranet for e-governance applications to implement various e-Governance solutions in :- All the Directorates/Attached/Subordinate Offices ~ 53 All the field units of the ~ 122 of Department of Agriculture and Cooperation & make it as showcase for other Government Departments to follow.
Directorate of Cotton Development Profile : Its a subordinate office under DAC, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India to assist the Ministry in implementing Centrally sponsored Intensive Cotton Development Programme (ICDP ) scheme under MM-II of TMC Other scheme under Macro-management of agriculture. Besides, it is technical body on the cultivation of cotton in the country.
Activities : To coordinate and monitor the implementation of ICDP under MM-II of TMC at National level. To monitor all Centrally sponsored schemes being implemented in the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa. To prepare plan documents of nodal crops. To maintain liaison with State Department of Agriculture on cotton development. To conduct various State/Zonal Level review Directorate of Cotton Development
Schemes under Directorate : Intensive Cotton Development Programme ( ICDP) under MM-II of TMC at National level. Integrated Cereals Development Programme for states of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa. Minikit Demonstration programme for states of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa. Sustainable Development of Sugarcane Based Cropping System(SUBACS) for states of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa. Directorate of Cotton Development
Intensive Cotton Development Programme (ICDP) : Centrally Sponsored Scheme under MM-II of TMC objectives is transfer of technology from research institutes to farmer’s field so as to raise the yields per hectare and reduce cost of cultivation, to provide financial assistance to the farmers, Supply of quality seeds, elevating IPM activities and providing adequate and timely supply of inputs to the farmers. being implemented in thirteen states through state Agri. Dept, ICAR, State Agri. University etc. having 16 components Directorate of Cotton Development
Integrated Cereals Development Programme (ICDP) : Centrally Sponsored Scheme objectives is to cope up with the requirement of the Rice, Wheat and other cereals in the coming year and thrust is given for increase in production and productivity of rice, Wheat and other crop. It includes components like Distribution of seed, Field Demonstration, IPM Demo, training, Sprinkler sets, assistance in Farm implements. being implemented in three states namely Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa. Directorate of Cotton Development
MinikitsDemonstration Programme : Minikits Demonstration Programme : Centre Sector Scheme objectives is to increase the productivity of Wheat, Rice and Coarse Cereals through larger coverage of area under location specific high yielding varieties and adoption of improved production technology in the country It includes Distribution of Wheat, Rice and Coarse Cereals Seed Minikits and Training Programme. Is being implemented in three state namely Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa. Directorate of Cotton Development
SUBACS SUBACS : Centrally Sponsored Scheme objectives is to increase the productivity of sugarcane together with the other crops grown in cropping sequence. It includes components like Seed Production, Field Demonstration, IPM Demo, training, Drip irrigation, assistance in Farm implements (Bullock drawn / Tractor Operated farm). being implemented in Maharashtra. Directorate of Cotton Development
Man Power: Director-In-Charge Joint Director ( 2 Nos) Assistant Director (1 Nos) Sr. Tech. Asstt. (4 Nos) Stenographer ( 2 Nos) Hindi Translator ( 1 Nos) Statistic Clerk (1 Nos) UDC ( 2 Nos) LDC ( 3 Nos) Directorate of Cotton Development
Software Applications for Directorate Portal for Directorate Web based Scheme monitoring system Intra-department Portal Personnel Information System Payroll System Inward-Outward System Stock and transport information System Technical Wing Administrative Wing
Portal for Directorate Objective: To disseminate information to State Governments and other concerned departments/agencies for effective implementation of schemes To publish technical bulletins on various aspects of cotton production for targeted audience like farmer of various states and extension personnel. Linkages with Research Organisation at the National and International level for updating the development technologies in cotton production. To publish monthly and annual progress reports on the various aspects of the crop. To publish information about events being organised by Directorate
Portal for Directorate Directorate Portal State Agri.Dept. Ministry of Agri GOI. Dir. Of Sugarcane Development Dir. Of Millet Development Farmers Other Directorate under DAC Research Org.
Portal for Directorate Contents: Technical bulletin : Schemes Profile : Schemes Status : To view all details of different schemes being implemented by Directorate. To display technical information on the Nodal crop other crop. Profile : To display profile, activities and history of the Directorate To display information about events being organised by the Directorate. Related Link : Hyperlink of web sites of other related organisation. Dynamic Scheme Monitoring Events :
Web based Scheme Monitoring System Features: Monitoring of individual Component under Scheme. Dynamic Query/Report generation. Scheme based report can be ported on the Directorate portal. Web based data entry Generation of Data Bank at Directorate level. Automatic compilation of different report
Web based Scheme Monitoring System Data Flow: State Agri. Dept. Directorate of Cotton Development Weekly : Weather watch Report from three states Monthly: Different component wise achievement report for ICDP (Cotton) / (Rice) /(Coarse Cereals) / (Wheat) Monthly : Component wise report under SUBACS Weekly : Cotton Sowing report from thirteen state DAC and Other Directorate. All Compiled Report Annual : Component wise summery report for all schemes.
Web based Scheme Monitoring System Sub modules: Data entry Master creation Administration Queries Report
Web based Scheme Monitoring System Data Capturing: Option1: To receive data from State as a hardcopy ( on paper) and data will be inputted at Directorate by providing data entry module at Directorate level. Option2: Web based data entry module for states Option3: Small Data entry module can be given to states. State will input data locally and this module will generate requisite report in the XML format and will be sent to Directorate using . At Directorate level, XML data will be detached from and inserted into the Database. This is totally automated and asynchronous approach.
Web based Scheme Monitoring System Query and Report : Weekly Weather watch report on different crop Weekly Cotton Sowing report Monthly /Annual, Intervention-wise progress report on ICDP (Cotton) Monthly /Annual, Intervention-wise progress report on Integrated Cereals Development Programme. Monthly /Annual, progress report on Minikits Intervention-wise Target and Achievements report under ‘SUBACS’.
Intra-department Portal Intranet Portal for employee’s of directorate. On the similar line of Intra-NIC Portal Single source of all information to employees of Directorate. Backward integrated with PIS and other information System in Directorate. Features :
General Purpose Software Following general purpose software have been developed by NIC Delhi and ready for implementation. Personal Information System. Pay roll System. Stock and Transport Information System. Inward-outward Information System.