Freedom Irish Basketball Welcome!
Youth Philosophy Purpose The purpose of Freedom Irish Boys Basketball is to promote the secondary part of education. We feel extra curricular activities are important in developing a well rounded student. We hope to emphasize basketball as an integral part of the educational process. We promote high ideals of good citizenship, sportsmanship and teamwork. The program wants to have good students and good people as well as good basketball players.
Parent Conduct Support Freedom Irish basketball. Cheer for all team members. Do not get into verbal wars with parents/players/coaches of opposing teams or the referees. Enjoy your son’s games for what they are… games.
Youth Philosophy Playing Time An attempt must be made to get all players fair, if not equal, playing time. We must keep our players interested in playing basketball. Allowing all kids to play and making the game enjoyable will hopefully keep more kids involved longer. One of the many reasons kids quit is because of lack of playing time.
Player Burnout In million kids nationwide participating in organized sports In million kids nationwide participating in organized sports 73 percent of these kids quit their childhood sport by the age of thirteen because they simply are not having fun anymore.73 percent of these kids quit their childhood sport by the age of thirteen because they simply are not having fun anymore.
Player Burnout Allow you son to enjoy the game. Encourage him by being supportive. Remember that the coaches are coaching at practice. Try not to make the ride home or the dinner table another practice session. Winning isn’t everything. Multiple sports
AAU thoughts AAU provides another opportunity for your son to play basketball. There are a variety of AAU programs out there. There are a variety of opinion out there about AAU See handout for some things to consider.
Concussion Forms New state law Every player must have concussion form on file 3 rd & 4 th turn in with Saturday morning form. 5-8 turn into school office All coaches & helpers must take on-line concussion test
School Teams 5 th & 6 th grades Games are November 1, November 8 and November 15 with 2 or 3 games each day. Number of teams & size of teams to be determined *ideally no more than 10 players per team. Coaches: 5 th – Todd Riesterer 6 th – Josh Bernetzke 6 th – Josh Bernetzke
5 th & 6 th grade clinic Sunday afternoons: 4:30 – 6:00 September 14 – October 12 See handout
School Teams 7th & 8th grade 2 teams Games & practices during the week 2 team game day schedule (A & B) Season begins October 21ish & ends before Christmas. Coaches: 7 th – Eric LeBrun 8 th – Jim Bernetzke
Tournament Teams It is the goal of the program to turn no one away. There will be a selection process for 7 th & 8 th grades. (tryout date to be determined) Each grade level may be handled differently based on numbers
State Invite One team at each grade level will represent Freedom at this tournament. Team will be selected with input from school coaches, tournament team coaches, and high school coaches. There may be a try-out for this team. There is more of an emphasis to win at this tournament.
Parent Workers At some point during the season you will be asked to help out with game day operations: Score clock, score book, concessions, door. Please help out and thank you in advance. Your continued help and support allows your sons to have the opportunity to play.
Tournament Teams Financing Our goal is to pay for all tournament entry fees. (Will discuss this with coaches) 5 th and 6 th – 4 or 5 tournaments 7 th and 8 th – 6 or 7 tournaments
Fundraising All money goes to program needs for grades Boys 6-8 grade tourney February 14 & 15 Coffee sale Simon’s cheese (after January 1)
6 – 8 tournament Help needed Scheduling workers Court managers
Fundraising New Morning Coffee Roasters’ coffee September 8 – September 26 Make check payable to Freedom Boys Basketball. Turn forms and money into school office or get to John Van FMS. Thank you!!
Apparel Eagle Graphics (Kaukauna) 2 times to order during the season September/October and November Order forms will be sent via and will be posted on high school basketball web page
Freedom Backcourt Club They are a support system for boys & girls programs. Their philosophy is not to be involved with youth tournament teams. Help fill many of the needs for the programs when the school budget can not. ($60,000 since 2000) Interested in joining? Contact Jason Vosters