Herding Cats Managing Volunteers in the new Millennium Scott A. Myles, CSP Past-President Orange County Chapter Mike F. Lorenzo, M.S., CSP Vice President,


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Presentation transcript:

Herding Cats Managing Volunteers in the new Millennium Scott A. Myles, CSP Past-President Orange County Chapter Mike F. Lorenzo, M.S., CSP Vice President, Region II 1

 Goal – Understand and Equip your Chapter Volunteers  Objectives:  Learn new tools and techniques to recruit volunteers  Learn how to “spread the wealth” (not the money….the work!)  Implement strategies to grow and nurture your leaders  Recognize the differences between Generation Xers, The Millennials, and the Baby Boomers Goal & Objectives 2

Managing Volunteers is like Herding Cats! 3 Herding Cats

4 Volunteers are Like Cats

The 21 st Century Volunteer The New Breed of Professionals  Generational Dynamics  The “Greatest Generation”  Boomers  Gen X  Millennials   Young Professionals  Rigid scheduling to Availability  Skilled to Knowledge Workers 5

The New Breed of Volunteer  Do you recognize people like these in your chapter?  Is very busy, many obligations, volunteers for many organizations  Wants flexibility  Expects to be empowered  Does not tolerate disinterested people or volunteers  Is Tech Savvy  Wants to make a difference rather than a contribution  Does not like or want to be micromanaged 6

Recruiting the New Breed “Dating” 7  First date – communicate the opportunity to join the team/tribe/chapter  Second date – listen to their interests – find a fit – share roles  Third date – ask them to consider going “steady”  Understand that “no” doesn’t always mean “never” The “trick” is to offer them a small role in your “big picture” NEVER>>>>>EVER>>>>>ASK THEM TO CONSIDER THE LEAD ROLE

 Sin 1 – Expecting “Announcements” to obtain Volunteers  Sin 2 – Recruiting: Going at it alone  Sin 3 – Recruiting volunteers to make long-term commitments  Sin 4 – Assume that “No” means “Never”  Sin 5 – Recruit any B.I.C.  Sin 6 – Ask busy people to do busy work  Sin 7 – Leaders who know nothing about volunteer management 8 The Seven Deadly Sins

  The “willing” groups  They want to make a difference & change the world  However, they are not committed  Come late  Leave early  Work on their own schedule  Jump ship more often!  Knowledgeable about tech stuff but not necessarily good at it!!  Considering retirement!!! 9 Tapping into the (2) New Breeds

 The Young Professionals  They’re impatient  They’re multi-taskers  They think “digital”  They’re tolerant  They’re looking for causes!  They’re team players….but…!!  They don’t want to managed; they want to be led!!! 10 Tapping into the (2) New Breeds

1.Discover what motivates your folks 2.Give them regular feedback 3.Offer special privileges and perks 4.Send volunteers to leadership conferences 5.Provide on-the-job training 6.Be available to your volunteer leaders 7.Provide free food 8.Provide tangible incentives 9.Have fun 10.Accountability 11.Positive gossip (aka “networking!) 12.Huddles (aka “Executive” Board Meetings!) 13.Thanking the families of your volunteers 11 The Thirteen “Virtues” How to Manage Lead your Leaders

1.Rule One: Don’t take the football…pass it! 2.Rule Two: Label each handoff as delegation 3.Rule Three: Secure the handoff with a check-up 4.Rule Four: Break down tasks into manageable goals 5.Rule Five: Don’t take the football if you can’t handle it 6.Rule Six: Develop good handoff skills to avoid disaster 12 EMPOWERMENT THE SIX RULES

It’s become a virtual world…whether we liked it or not!  You do not have to be a “techie”  What is the “Virtual Volunteer”  Why you should consider (use) Virtual Volunteers  How do you recruit Virtual Volunteers  How do you manage Virtual Volunteers  How do you release (fire) Virtual Volunteers 13 Managing in the Virtual World

 Use as a follow-up tool  Use to document your conversations  Use as one of many tools to make an announcement  Use for affirmation (aka thanks to an individual) AVOID CONFERENCE CALL MEETINGS! WEBINAR STYLE MEETINGS ARE BETTER! FACE TO FACE MEETINGS ARE THE BEST OPTION!!! 14 Communicating in the Virtual World

Leading is different from managing. Leaders set the vision where an organization is going. Management paves the road to get it there! Sometimes you’re the Leader. Sometimes you’re the Manager 15 Managing Leading your Chapter

1.Passion – Where the power begins 2.Focus – The power of focused mission 3.Strategy – Keys for mobilizing the passion 4.Community – Building spirit! 5.Training – Development: A Valuable Tool for Instilling Passion 16 Managing your Chapter Leaders The “Essentials”

Passion: It’s vital, passionate people get things done! It all begins with YOUR passion!! Steps: 1.Develop your (team) annual goals (STAR Program) 2.Develop your (team) objectives 3.Organize your volunteers into teams 4.Generate team tasks 5.Manage your teams (build your community!) 6.Follow-up – Follow-up – Follow-up!!! 17 Managing your Chapter Leaders The “Essentials”

Focus: The Power of Focused Mission! The POWER OF ONE!!!! Steps: 1.The new breed of volunteers are independent. Treat them as such 2.Old Model: All ships moving in the same direction. Older generation volunteers want all other volunteers to follow command & control. Be their commander! 3.New Model: A school of empowered minnows! Your “new” volunteers all want to swim their own directions. Tell them where the finish line is…let them figure out how to get there Lead the ships and minnows in the preferred path! 18 Managing your Chapter Leaders The “Essentials”

Strategic Thinking: Keys for Mobilizing Passion “We the People” “Ask not What…” The keys: 1.Develop a Mission and a Mission Statement 2.Develop your Vision and Vision Statement Typical Mission statement includes two semicolons, two dashes and at least two business buzzwords. Typical Vision statements contain only one dash but consist of at least one “run-on” sentence. 19 Managing your Chapter Leaders The “Essentials”

Team:  Team building exercises…seriously…  Get to know you games  Share at least one important fact  Develop your leadership team into a family! 20 Managing your Chapter Leaders The “Essentials”

Training and Development  Give training a context (ASSE Training!)  Use role-playing in your officer training  Use mentors  Use staff meetings  Use Case Studies (Chapter of the Year!) 21 Managing your Chapter Leaders The “Essentials”

22 Principles of Leadership :  Take Command  Lead by Example  Listen Aggressively  Communicate Purpose and Meaning  Create a Climate of Trust  Look for Results, not Salutes  Take Calculated Risks  Go Beyond Standard Procedure  Build up Your People  Generate Unity  Improve Your People's Quality of Life

What did we learn today?  Recruiting  Generations  The Thirteen “Virtues”  The Six Rules of Empowerment  Communication  Be a Manager and a Leader  The Five Essentials 23 Herding Cats Managing Volunteers in the new Millennium

You’ll never be able to herd them and you’ll only get scratched if you try to do so…. Herding Cats Managing Volunteers in the new Millennium 24