Label the following Great Lakes Original 13 colonies


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Presentation transcript:

Label the following Great Lakes Original 13 colonies Color the 3 different regions: one color for each Southern: GA, SC, NC, VA, MD Middle: NY, NJ, PA, DE New England: MA, NH, RI, CT


Your map taking shape

List the Types of Colonies Royal Colony* – controlled by the king Proprietary Colony* –land granted to a group of private owners for development (also called charter*)

English Colonies in America

Sir Walter Raleigh Colony chartered by Queen Elizabeth Sailed to the Outer Banks, NC Landed on the island of Roanoke*

Lost Colony of Roanoke 1587* – 119 men, women, and children This colony disappeared

Joint Stock Company* Pooled money of many investors Merchants could trade with and colonize other parts of the world

Jamestown* 1606 – charter granted for the Virginia Company Arrived in Virginia in 1607, established the settlement of Jamestown

Problems at Jamestown Colonists were townspeople No farming, livestock experience Upper class refused to work, hoped to get rich Only 38 of the colonists made it through the first winter

John Smith* Emerged as Jamestown’s leader Began trading with local Indians, the Powhatan Confederacy Helped colonists make it through the winter

Tobacco* John Rolfe* brought seeds of tobacco from the Caribbean Became the primary cash crop* of Virginia

Virginia House of Burgesses* First representative government* for the colonists Right to elect an assembly and make own laws

Virginia Colony Headright system* – colonists given 50 acres* of land for each family member 1622 – Opechancanough attacked and killed 300 colonists

Southern Colony Social Structure* (Gentry) Large Landowners Poor farmers (back country farmers) Indentured servants Enslaved Persons

Bacon’s Rebellion* Bacon’s Rebellion Results: Freed indentured servants Less land Conflicts with Native Americans Nathaniel Bacon forms militia Colonists burn down Jamestown Bacon’s Rebellion Results: government for “ordinary” citizens & increased use of slavery

Virginia River Plantations, 1640

The Thirteen Colonies

Southern Colonies

Carolinas Charles II awarded a vast area of land south of Virginia to eight political allies Developed two separate regions – north and south

North Carolina* Small farms* Grew tobacco* Produced naval supplies* such as tar, pitch, and turpentine

South Carolina* Growth of large plantations* Rice, cotton* Charlestown*

Georgia* James Oglethorpe* – asked the king for a colony for the poor in debtor’s prison Buffer* between the Carolinas and Spanish Florida*


Colony of Maryland* Started by Lord Baltimore (George Calvert) Refuge for Catholics* who were persecuted in Europe Tobacco*


New England Colonies

~Meanwhile back in Mother England Puritans desired to purify the Anglican Church Persecution by King James I Religious dissent – disagreement with the church

The Mayflower* Set sail September 1620 – 102 passengers Storm blew the ship off course and it arrived off the coast of Cape Cod Decided to land at Plymouth*

Massachusetts* Bay Colony Royal charter granted to the Massachusetts Bay Company in 1629 Increased Puritan persecution in England led to the move to Mass. John Winthrop* – led a group to Massachusetts in 1630

Quote, John Winthrop “The Lord will make our name a praise and glory, so that men shall say of succeeding plantations: ‘The Lord make it like that of New England.’ For we must consider that we shall be like a City upon a Hill*; the eyes of all people are on us.”

Puritan Society Everyone should read the Bible 1st to have public schools Mostly boys attended school Girls were taught “womanly duties” Harvard & Yale were established as seminaries

Early Boston*

New England Government Mayflower Compact* = efforts to be self-governed Town meetings* Local, taxpaying citizens (usually property owners) Met to discuss and vote on issues

Founding of Rhode Island* Roger Williams* & Anne Hutchinson* challenged leadership of Massachusetts Forced to leave Mass. and settle elsewhere Separatists were being persecuted in Mass.

Connecticut* 1636 – Thomas Hooker* moved his congregation to the Connecticut River Valley Hooker left Mass. unhappy with politics Founded the town of Hartford

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut* “free consent of the people” Body of the laws for the colony (1639) All adult men could vote Limited powers of government

MA colony looses control The colony lost its charter in 1684* Massachusetts became a royal colony* under the leadership of the king’s appointed governor.

The Half-Way Covenant* Many Puritans feared that their children would not share the same “conversion experiences”. These experiences were necessary to obtain membership in the Puritan Church. Half-way covenant* - partial membership in the church for the children and grandchildren of full members; regardless of conversion experience. Some thought this was a sinful compromise.

Salem Witch Trials* Young girls in Salem, MA accused townspeople of being witches Trials led to executions

New Hampshire* In the 1640s fur traders* & fishers* settled towns north of Massachusetts Capt. John Mason was given the territory 1679 – New Hampshire became a royal colony

New England Settlements

Pequot War Fighting erupted after two Massachusetts traders were killed in Pequot territory New England Indian tribes (Narraganset and Mohegan) sided with the settlers

King Philip’s War* 1675 – MA arrested and executed three Wampanoag for murder Metacomet – Wampanoag chief also known as King Philip* who led the fighting

King Philip’s War* 1678 - colonist victory – ended Indian uprisings in New England Turning point for settlements – they gained firmer control over New England

1650 Colonization Label -French settlement -Spanish settlement -St 1650 Colonization Label -French settlement -Spanish settlement -St. Lawrence River - Appalachian Mtns.

The Middle Colonies aka Mid-Atlantic Colonies

New Netherland/New York 1609 – Dutch sent explorer Henry Hudson Discovered the Hudson River* Valley

New Netherland/New York Dutch claimed the region as New Netherland Emphasis on the fur trade*

New Amsterdam Major settlement of New Amsterdam on Manhattan Island Other immigrants arrived as well

New York* 1664 – King Charles II decided to seize New Netherland Granted the land to his brother James, the Duke of York Fur trade, wheat, rye*

New Jersey* James granted part of the land to advisors Became the colony of New Jersey

King Charles II granted William Penn* land to pay off a debt Penn was a Quaker*, part of a persecuted religious group Quakers did not recognize class differences, promoted equality of the sexes, practices pacifism & sought to deal fairly with Native Americans Pennsylvania*

Pennsylvania* Penn desired political and religious freedom Legislative assembly elected by voters Grains, shipping ports, potatoes*

Pennsylvania Quaker settlers German Lutherans Scots-Irish Presbyterians Swiss Mennonites Lower counties purchased by Penn became Delaware

Delaware* Founded by William Penn Created more land for the Quakers Provided access to the ocean for trade