New England New Hampshire Rhode Island Connecticut Middle Colonies New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware Southern Colonies Maryland Virginia North Caroline South Carolina Georgia
New England was known for their fish to raise their money New England was known for their fish to raise their money Middle colonies were great at farming, so they raised much money with their farming Middle colonies were great at farming, so they raised much money with their farming The Southern colonies also farmed, but harvested different plants, like rice, indigo, tobacco, sugar cane and cotton. The Southern colonies also farmed, but harvested different plants, like rice, indigo, tobacco, sugar cane and cotton.
Here are three of the jobs from the colonial times: Here are three of the jobs from the colonial times: Blacksmith: crafters for tools and hardware Blacksmith: crafters for tools and hardware Brick maker: this job did much molding, drying, and fired bricks up Brick maker: this job did much molding, drying, and fired bricks up Basket maker: this job made beautiful hand-made baskets Basket maker: this job made beautiful hand-made baskets
The tools were: Angers Chisels Drawknives
The poor people in this time would live in these things called dugout houses. It was very crowded with 1 room The poor people in this time would live in these things called dugout houses. It was very crowded with 1 room The middle class people would have a one or two room house. A keeping room and an attic The middle class people would have a one or two room house. A keeping room and an attic The rich people at this time would have a mansion with slaves. it was a huge plantation The rich people at this time would have a mansion with slaves. it was a huge plantation
Boys/men Hats Hats Coats Coats Stockings StockingsGirls/women Lace Lace Apron Apron Gown Gown Lace cap Lace cap
Eggs Eggs Fresh oysters Fresh oysters Sugar Sugar spices spices
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