Roney McCrary, left and Wayne Miles Candidates for College of The Mainland Board of Trustees McCrary is a resident of Santa Fe and is running for the Position 5. Miles lives in League City and is a candidate for the At large position 7 Music Donna Fargo – United States of America Next College of The Mainland
Wayne was born in Texarkana and is a 4th generation Texan. He is married to Rebecca Miles, a College of the Mainland retiree, who worked and taught in higher education for 25 years. They have three children and five grandchildren. Wayne and Rebecca are members of the First United Methodist Church in Dickinson. Wayne graduated from Clear Creek High School, received his Bachelor of Science degree from Sam Houston State University in Criminology and Corrections, and his Master of Arts degree from the University of Houston-Clear Lake in History. Wayne retired from the Harris County Community Supervision and Corrections Department and the Texas Department of Corrections, where he began his criminal justice career while attending Sam Houston State University. He has a combined total of thirty-three years service in the criminal justice system. Wayne Miles Wayne has served on the College of the Mainland Foundation Board of Directors for many years and is a past president. He is currently president of the Rotary Club of Santa Fe- Hitchcock.
Himself a former community college student, Wayne’s concern for the quality of education prompted him to run for the Board. His goals are to restore confidence in the Board through good governance and fiscal responsibility. He said that: “One theme came through loud and clear during his many conversations with taxpayers in the district was the void of transparency in the way the Board conducts its business. A huge concern is the number of lawsuits and the cost to taxpayers. The heavy handed tactics of the Board president has, lead to a divided Board that has resulted in a lack of trust among COM facility, employees and the trustees. Wayne Miles has four goals that are the foundation for his campaign: 1.Restore trust and integrity on the Board. 2. Put students first, after all, that is the reason the College exists. 3. Listen to the needs of industry – they are the consumer of the College’s product. 4.Be good stewards of the taxpayer’s financial stake in the College of the Mainland
Roney McCrary For COM Board of Trustees Trustee Position No. 5 Santa Fe resident for 34 years. A graduate of Texas A & M University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Technology and served in the US Army from 1966 to Roney retired from American National Insurance Company in 2006 after 37 years employment. Married to wife Pat for 47 years. Roney and Pat have two children and five grand daughters.
McCrary nine years experience on the Santa Fe Independent School District Board of Trustees, including served as president vice president will be indispensable when making decisions relating to College policies and management. During his tenure, SFISD passed a bond issue that resulted in the building of a new high school. He is familiar with establishing tax rates and keenly aware of the districts responsibility to the community which it serves. McCrary served two years as President of the United Way of Galveston. He has a twenty years perfect attendance with Rotary International and a past president of Rotary Club of Galveston. He currently a member of the Santa Fe/Hitchcock Rotary Club and served nine years as Assistant District Governor. McCrary is a member of Midway Church of Christ and serve as a deacon.
Over the last several years a number of decisions and policies initiated by the College of the Mainland Board of Trustees are of concern. The 2007 failed bond is one example, although the College had never had a bond issue in its 40 year history many felt that the $100 million bond was excessive, not well conceived and poorly timed. Now taxpayers are being asked to support an $86 million bond. There have been thirteen law suits filed against the COM, some have already been settled out of court, which in turn spawns more lawsuits, all of which cost taxpayers money
1.Quality Education - My goal is to ensure the students at College of the Mainland are not being short-changed because of current direction of the Board of Trustees. After all, the Election is about the Students! 2.Restore Confidence - The community needs to have confidence in the Board and that they will listen to the community and provide a resource that serves the whole taxing district. 3.Good Governance - The College of the Mainland must realize that it is a public entity and therefore must ensure that they manage public resources efficiently and effectively. 4.Fiscal Responsibility - Fiscal Responsibility is not just making sure that there is a balanced budget, but that priorities are established and we understand that the college exists only for the students.
13 Lawsuits since 2007 $ 1,132, To date paid out settlements LOOK
It is your choice on which way you vote on the COM Bond issue. But we do know that the biggest obstacle to a successful COM bond issue is the lack of trust in the current COM Board of Trustees to manage the Taxpayers investment. Restore Confidence Good Governance Fiscal Responsibility
Election Day: May 14 Early Voting: May 2 – 10 Mark these dates down Contributions to Wayne Miles At large Candidate can be sent to: P.O. Box 1768 ~ Dickinson, TX WayneMiles5910 at Gmail.comWayneMiles5910 at Contributions to Roney McCrary Position 5 (Santa Fe area) can be sent to: P.O. Box 86 ~ Santa Fe, TX RoneyMcCrary at RoneyMcCrary at URL: Go back to first slide Prepared by Jack Cross URL: Thanks For Watching – Remember to vote College Of The Mainland Esc To Exit