Summer Institute, May16, 2012
Peer review process that evaluates educational programs and services for quality. Transferability of credit hours. Recognition of degrees and certificates. Student access to federal financial aid.
June 30, 2012 Quality Initiative report due. September 1, 2012 First draft of Assurance Argument. January 30, 2013 Final draft of Assurance Argument. March 4 & 5, 2013 Reaccreditation Site Visit.
What’s changed in the reaccreditation process and why? Quality Initiative Assurance Process
Mission Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement Resources, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness
Why we go through reaccreditation College Mission College Strategic Initiatives Student Learning Outcomes Assessment ◦ Course Level ◦ Program Level ◦ General Education ◦ Co-Curricular ◦ Institution
March 4 and 5, 2013 3 to 5 member site review team Focus on Assurance Argument and confirmation of data and written statement Access college information 6 to 8 weeks prior to visit
Program and general education assessment both need great, ongoing attention. Although goals have been articulated for Yavapai’s degree programs, the institution is not yet assessing to what extent students are meeting those goals.
The team is not convinced that the organization has clearly and publicly articulated the intended learning outcomes of the general education Yavapai College provides for tis students or that it regularly assess the effectiveness of its general education against the organization’s stated goals for student learning.
Seven member team attended HLC Assessment Workshop. SLOA Committee providing leadership: ◦ Continue course level outcomes assessment process ◦ Complete curriculum mapping for AAS degrees ◦ Establish general education outcomes/program outcomes for transfer degrees ◦ Establish institutional learning outcomes ◦ Assessment plan ◦ Web information updating
A student will be able to… Course level: Identify and analyze how connections to databases can be made. (CSA 266 Advanced Web Enhancement) Degree or Program level: Develop web pages. (AAS, Computing Systems & Applications) College/Institutional level: Apply technology (any Associate Degree)
General Education Values ◦ Thirteen stated values General Education Outcomes 1.Differentiate, synthesize, and integrate knowledge 2.Reflect upon/evaluate commitment to General Education Values 3.Apply information literacy skills… 4.Use reading, writing, listening, and speaking… 5.Engage in independent learning
Campus community updated and engaged regarding accreditation process and visit Course, program, and college level outcomes developed and easily visible on website Curriculum mapping of AAS degrees complete and started for transfer degrees
GoalTimeline Implement degree program assessment plans o Establish curriculum mapping connecting courses to AAS degree program learning outcomes. o Establish a five year assessment cycle for all AAS degree program learning outcomes. o Establish assessment tools (exams, portfolios, etc.) designed to measure AAS degree program learning outcomes. Ready for the onset of the 2013/2014 academic year Pilot one degree program By the end of Spring 2012 Define assessable General Education learning outcomes Identify and articulate “General Education” courses Ready for the onset of the 2013/2014 academic year Apply the process to remaining AA degrees and certificates Ready for the onset of the 2015/2016 academic year Apply the process to co-curricular areas (i.e. tying assessment to student retention, library services, clubs, etc.) Ready for the onset of the 2016/2017 academic year