CRMHRM CRM and HRM Activities By: Selina Francis CRM/HRM
Introduction About a year ago A&A Computers introduced two main functions, the CRM and HRM functions. The Customer Relations Management started operating in April, 2007; while Human Resource Management started operating in August, These two positions were established by the company in order to increase the professionality of A&A and give our customers and employees the highest satisfaction and care. CRM and HRM Activities
Functions of CRM Use CRM to increase sales. Retain important existing customers and winning new ones. Deal with customers’ complaints Handle warranty issues, using the RMA database Manage pending orders, using the orders database. For these functions we collect information about our customers and store these in our customers’ database. CRM and HRM Activities
Progress made in CRM Customer information includes contacts, organization, size, their field and their people. We also record staff’s role to A&A Computers. Thirty clients have been interviewed for both Arusha and Moshi (27 visited, and 3 via questionnaire), and reports were written about the clients’ feedback. Several areas of improvement were discussed and have been implemented already. Whenever there are serious complaints, or serious matters to be discussed with clients, they are forwarded to CRM, and are solved in a more professional and consistent manner. CRM and HRM Activities
Summarized report of CRM Visits for the period of April 2007 – March 2008 a.Thirty clients have been visited so far since April 2007 to date. i.Seventeen Clients were visited in Arusha and Moshi during the period of April – Dec Arusha 12 clients and Moshi 5 clients. ii.Thirteen Clients were visited in Arusha and Moshi during the period of January – April Arusha 9 clients and Moshi 4 Clients. b.Almost 75% of the visited clients are profit focused businesses (Private Companies), 20% are for Society development (NGOs & Local Governments). CRM and HRM Activities
Almost 50% of the visited clients have a Western Management, 50% are run by Local citizens. However, a large number of local companies is found in Moshi. c. Almost 50% of the visited clients have a Western Management, 50% are run by Local citizens. However, a large number of local companies is found in Moshi. d. Almost all companies are still growing, hence business opportunities for A&A are available: new sales, repair and PPM service. e. For the maximum reached companies there is still a business opportunity: Sales of accessories, replacing old equipment, repairs and PPM services. CRM and HRM Activities
About 50% of our clients do have annual IT budgets, while the other 50% clients do buy when needs arises. f. About 50% of our clients do have annual IT budgets, while the other 50% clients do buy when needs arises. g.30% of the visited clients do PPM services as scheduled by A&A (where by some signed a PPM contract), 37% do PPM by internal IT people 33% never did PPM services on their PCs. After CRM visits, about 1/2 of the 33% did PPM with A&A, and some are on the waiting list. CRM and HRM Activities
h.50% of the visited clients indicated that they use other IT Companies: Reasons : Because of low prices (A&A has high prices) Because A&A does not have the item in stock. To give support to their friends in business Did not know about A&A Computers (especially for Moshi branch). CRM and HRM Activities
The other 50% indicated that they do not (or did before but not any more) use other IT companies. I. The other 50% indicated that they do not (or did before but not any more) use other IT companies. Reasons : Because of good quality products. Because of good quality products. Because of trust (on Alex, and other good technicians) and reliability. Because of trust (on Alex, and other good technicians) and reliability. Because of after sale service and warranty service. Because of after sale service and warranty service. Location: easy to find and centre of town. Location: easy to find and centre of town. Because of good customer care Because of good customer care CRM and HRM Activities
j.About 45% of the visited clients do receive A&A News letter. Most are happy with it, and some bought products because of it. However, there are some few who don’t care reading the news letters. CRM and HRM Activities
Comments from visited Clients: Amongst 30 clients who were visited, ALL had a positive attitude towards A&A’s good quality products. All visited clients have complimented A&A being the best with good customer services: after sales services, warranty services, advising, e.t.c. However, some clients seem to have lost interest, as they are no longer purchasing from A&A Computers due to high price. These clients include ELCT-Finance Department-perhaps due to some influence from their purchasing officers. CRM and HRM Activities
Some weaknesses were pointed out, and A&A has to work on them. The following are the areas to improve: a. Most of the interviewed clients said some jobs are left unfinished (onsite and workshop jobs), or equipment stuck after service. They advised that equipment have to be thoroughly tested before they are given back to the client. a. Technicians take long time to respond to on site calls, A&A is advised to act on calls immediately. b. It is good to have a real IT technician - very good in architecture, servers, security and infrastructures. Nobody in Arusha has a Top Technician. CRM and HRM Activities
d.If possible, A&A to supply Internet services, because the rest are very slow and very expensive. e. Frequent change of staff affects the service provided. f. A&A has to keep a complete sales stock. Comments from visited Clients….. CRM and HRM Activities
Difficulties faced so far in CRM visits: a. Some clients are too hesitant to accept a visit appointment. b. For some companies the people in charge lack authority to speak, or they are not aware of the facts. – Kili FM, Popvriend, etc. CRM and HRM Activities
Future Plans for CRM a. Continue with CRM visits a. Find ways to identify and approach potential clients CRM and HRM Activities
Functions of HRM Deciding what staffing needs the company has. Take care of all job applications and interviews. Training and developing staff knowledge. Deal with performance issues. Ensure that personnel and management practices conform to various regulations. Managing employees’ records. CRM and HRM Activities
Progress made in HRM Database is functional. All employees’ records are being managed by using the HRM database. These records include personal information, references, appraisals, disciplinary measures taken, e.t.c. Staff training is in progress by means of presentation and “show & tell” sessions. Periodical performance appraisals are being conducted. Staff discipline and counseling is in progress. CRM and HRM Activities
Future plans of HRM Store more info such as sickness, leave, training development. Develop more training sessions CRM and HRM Activities
Conclusion The two functions; the CRM and HRM are the key functions at A&A. Lets continue building a spirit of team work so as to get fruitful results. CRM and HRM Activities
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