COMMENTARY DRIVE A participatory system for safe driving designed to prevent accidents
DEFENSIVE DRIVING “Driving to prevent accidents in spite of adverse conditions or the incorrect actions of others.”
Space Visibility Attitude
FIVE SEEING HABITS Aim High in Steering Get the Big Picture KEEP YOUR EYES MOVING
FIVE SEEING HABITS Aim High in Steering Get the Big Picture Keep Your Eyes Moving LEAVE YOURSELF AN OUT
FIVE SEEING HABITS Aim High in Steering Get the Big Picture Keep Your Eyes Moving Leave yourself an out MAKE SURE THEY SEE YOU
POINT ONE Don’t Abuse Your Vehicle
POINT TWO Check Instruments and Gauges
POINT THREE Make a Positive Glance Over Your Shoulder
POINT FOUR Scan Parked Cars and Back Up Carefully
NINE RULES FOR SAFE BACKING Clear the rear Sound your horn before you start to move Back immediately -- never trust the scene you checked to stay the same Back slowly As you back, check rear view and both side mirrors Don’t ever back further than necessary Always back to the driver’s side Use a ground guide Always park so the first move in the vehicle is forward
POINT FIVE Check Wheel-to- Ground Reference
POINT SIX 2-4 Seconds Following Time
POINT SEVEN Check the Road Seconds Ahead
POINT EIGHT Check Mirrors Every 5- 8 Seconds
POINT NINE Pick a Point of Decisions at Traffic Lights
POINT TEN Stop so You Can See the Rear Tires of the Car Ahead Touching the Pavement
POINT ELEVEN Count Delay After the Car Ahead Starts to Move 1-2-3….
POINT TWELVE Look Right-Left - Right at All Intersections
POINT THIRTEEN Use Your Horn to Establish Eye Contact
POINT FOURTEEN Don’t Forget the Hazards of Rural and In-Plant Driving
PLUS ONE! Always Wear Your Seat Belt PLUS TWO! Do not use Mobile while driving. Be aware of other possible distractions (eating, other passengers, etc.)
THE FOURTEEN POINTS 1. Don’t Abuse Your Vehicle 2. Check Instruments and Gauges 3. Make a Positive Glance Over Your Shoulder 4. Scan Parked Cars and Back Up Carefully 5. Check Wheel-to-Ground Reference Seconds Following Time 7. Check the Road Seconds Ahead 8. Check Mirrors Every 5-8 Seconds 9. Pick a Point of Decision at Traffic Lights 10. Stop so You Can See the Rear Tires of the Car Ahead Touching the Pavement 11. Count Delay After the Car Ahead Starts to Move 12. Look Right - Left - Right at All Intersections 13. Use Your Horn to Establish Eye Contact 14. Don’t Forget the Hazards of Rural and In-Plant Driving