GUIDELINES FOR SUCCESS Cooperate with others Act Responsibly Treat others with Respect Show a positive attitude
FSMS HALLWAY CONDUCT GOAL FSMS HALLWAY CONDUCT GOAL The hallways of FSMS will be a safe and quiet environment where people interact with courtesy and respect.
Expectations 1) Walk in a single file line, on the right side of the hallways and stairwell. 2) Keep your hands, feet, and all other objects to yourself. 3) Speak in a level 1-2 voice during locker and restroom break. 4) Maintain level 0 voice during teacher directed transition. 5) A teacher must initial your agenda in order to be in the hallway by yourself.
OUTSIDE TRANSITIONS GOAL OUTSIDE TRANSITIONS GOAL The students will safely and orderly transition to and from various classes that are not a part of the main building.
Expectations 1) Walk and use level 2 voice when talking. 2) Keep hands, feet and other objects to self. 3) During a fire, tornado, or any safety drill, use level 0 voice.
FSMS RESTROOM CONDUCT GOAL FSMS RESTROOM CONDUCT GOAL The restrooms will be a safe and clean environment in which all students may utilize without fear or harassment.
Expectations 1) If possible, go ONLY designated breaks. Otherwise, go only with teacher permission (a signed agenda). 2) Upstairs restroom for Team Respect and Team Honor only; downstairs restroom by art room, for 6th grade only. Downstairs restroom, by gym for Team Courage and Team Perseverance only. Downstairs restroom, by cafeteria, Team Integrity, any grade during lunch or Related Arts (except P.E.) 3) While waiting for the restroom or inside the restroom, use level 1-2 voice.
4) Use the bathroom in a timely manner and FLUSH the commode or urinal after each use. 5) Dispose of paper correctly and leave the restrooms unmarked. 6) WASH YOUR HANDS and return to class.
FSMS CAFETERIA CONDUCT GOAL FSMS CAFETERIA CONDUCT GOAL The students will enter and exit in a safe and orderly fashion and will be responsible and respectful to all individuals.
Expectations 1) Upon entering the cafeteria, immediately get into a serving line or sit at assigned table if choosing not to eat. 2) While waiting in line, use level 1-2. 3) Keep hands, feet and other objects to self. 4) Sit at assigned tables. 5)Use good manners. Eat appropriately and use level 2 voice at your table only.
6) When directed by adults monitoring the cafeteria, students will dump their trays, place their silverware in the proper box, and place their tray in the washing station. Then they will go to their designated location. 7) Absolutely NO gum in the cafeteria. 8) Stay in your seat and raise your hand to get help. 9) All items must be purchased the first trip. 10) Do not bring beverages in glass or unsealed containers. 11) All food items, drinks, and supplies will remain in the cafeteria. 12) Act responsibly and clean up after yourself.
EARLY MORNING ARRIVAL GOAL EARLY MORNING ARRIVAL GOAL The students will enter the campus and be provided a safe environment to prepare for a successful day at FSMS. Students will demonstrate respect, responsibility, and cooperation.
Expectations 1) 7:30 – 7:50 Go to cafeteria to eat breakfast. If you finish before 7:50 or choose not to eat, go to the gym. 2) 7:50 Dismiss from the gym to go to homerooms or team designated area. 3) Once in the building use a level 2 voice. 4) Visit the locker and restroom before homeroom.
5) After going to the locker, report directly to homeroom 5) After going to the locker, report directly to homeroom. 6) Do not leave your homeroom without a signed agenda and/or hall pass. 7) If you arrive after 8:10, you will be considered tardy.
AFTERNOON DISMISSAL GOAL AFTERNOON DISMISSAL GOAL The students will leave the campus and be provided a safe environment to prepare for departure.
Expectations 1) 2:55 Walkers and Parent pick-ups will be dismissed. Students will leave in an orderly fashion. Walking at a good pace and using a level 2 voice. 2) Students being picked up by parents will exit their classroom and go to the side porch area to await their ride. 3) Walkers exit the building out the front doors and leave the campus or wait for a sibling from the High School at the porch area. Any student needing other arrangements must get approval from a principal.
4) All other bus riders will report to the gymnasium, sit in the bleachers by bus numbers to await their bus arrival and may speak with peers using a level 2 voice. 5) When their bus is called they will leave the gym in an orderly fashion (no running). 6) All middle school students must remain in the designated area until their bus arrives. No student should be in the high school area unless given permission by a principal due to special circumstances.
FSMS ASSEMBLY CONDUCT GOAL FSMS ASSEMBLY CONDUCT GOAL The students will enter, attend, and exit assembly functions in a way that demonstrates respect and cooperation.
Expectations 1) Stay in line – level 0 voice, until entering the gym. 2) Fill in each row in designated area. Teachers will sit with students. Level 1 voice once seated. 3) Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 4) Show respect at all times to the presenters. 5) At the end of the assembly, remain seated and direct your attention to your teacher for instructions. 6) When prompted, stand up 1 row at a time, exit bleachers, and form single file line. Exit gym with teacher using 0-1 voice level.
FSMS VOICE LEVELS Level 0 – Total Silence – No Noise Level 1 – Whisper – Working as a pair Level 2 – Conversational – (No farther than 3 feet) Level 3 – Classroom Presentation – (Voice can only be heard in the classroom) Level 4 – Outside/Pep Rally Voice