Classroom PBS/RtI:B Monthly Coaches’ Meeting Module O DC Name and Date Here
2 ‘Suggested’ Agenda School-Wide PBS/RtI:B Core Elements Classroom PBS/RtI:B Procedures, routines, rules Teach and Reward Engaging students 4-Step Problem-Solving Process Problem identification and analysis Intervention strategies and Evaluation Classroom Assistance Tool and Classroom Consultation Guide Next Steps
3 School-Wide PBS/RtI:B Critical Elements School-wide Expectations and Rules Developed, posted, and taught Rewards System Developed, taught and modeled to students and staff Students access rewards/reinforcers School-wide Discipline Process and Procedures Developed, taught and consistently implemented Data and Evaluation Systems Review, analyze, progress monitor
4 School-Wide and Classroom PBS/RtI:B School-wide expectations are the foundation for Classroom RtI:Behavior School-Wide Expectations: Must be taught (direct lesson plans) Embedded into academic lesson plans Differentiated based on student needs Whole class Small group Individual students School-Wide PBS implemented with fidelity
5 School-Wide System or Classroom Issue? First Steps: Have the school-wide expectations been taught to all students on your campus? Have all students had the opportunity to earn reinforcers for engaging in the school-wide expectations? If so… Are effective instruction and behavior management occurring within the classroom? Review Benchmarks of Quality Classroom Systems, Items 42-48
6 Benchmarks of Quality: Classroom Items (Kincaid, Childs & George, 2005; 2010) 42. Classroom rules are defined for each of the school-wide expectations and are posted in classrooms 43. Classroom routines and procedures are explicitly identified for activities (e.g. entering class, asking questions, sharpening pencil, using restroom, dismissal) 44. Expected behavior routines in classrooms are taught 45. Classroom teachers use immediate and specific behavior praise 46. Acknowledgement of students demonstrating adherence to classroom rules and routines occurs more frequently than acknowledgement of inappropriate behaviors 47. Procedures exist for tracking classroom behavior problems 48. Classrooms have a range of consequences/interventions for problem behavior that are documented and consistently delivered Scoring Guide Evident in: most classrooms (>75% of classrooms) many classrooms (50-75% of classrooms) only a few classrooms (less than 50% of classrooms)
7 Classroom PBS/RtI:B Classroom RtI for behavior provides: Support to teachers in embedding RtI:B into their classroom management practices Support to groups of students with more challenging behaviors in addition to existing school-wide supports
8 Classroom RtI:B Outcomes Reduction in problem behaviors Increased instructional time Increase in student engagement (time on-task) Improved academic performance Enhanced classroom climate
9 Classroom Management Develop and teach student procedures and routines: Transitions Small group and independent seatwork Whole group instruction Individual tasks (getting materials, bath break, homework, completed assignments, etc) Outline teacher procedures and routines for all adults: Subs, volunteers, etc. Working with small groups or individual students Grading papers Methods of communication (whole group and/or individual)
10 Implementing Classroom Procedures and Routines Proactively identify areas of possible concern Develop specific steps to be followed Post procedures in appropriate areas Teach procedures initially and throughout the school year Practice, model, role-play Acknowledge students for appropriately following the procedures and routines Remind/prompt students prior to activity and upon return from breaks, changes in schedules, etc
11 Classroom Rules Developed by the teacher Aligned with the school-wide expectations Positively stated Limited in number: Example: Be Responsible Complete all assignments Taught, modeled, reviewed routinely
12 Non-Example Ineffective Instruction Sets the Occasion for Student Failure
13 Rules-by-Activity Matrix Entering Classroom Activity Expectations Whole Group Instruction Seat Work Small Group Activity Leaving Classroom Be Safe Remain in area Walk Be Respectful Listen when others are speaking Work quietly Listen when others are speaking Leave quietly Be Responsible Raise hand to speak Complete assignment
14 Acknowledging Individual Student Behavior When students engage in appropriate behavior: Provide immediate, specific acknowledgement or praise Use a high ratio of positive to corrective statements Minimum of 4:1 across the classroom “Tom, thank you for being responsible and arriving on time for class.” “Sarah, great job of being safe by walking in the hallway.” Use visual prompts as reminders to stay focused on the positive Tie SWPBS reinforcers with classroom system of rewards
15 Group Contingencies ‘All for One’: Interdependent Group Contingency Every student in class must obtain the same level of success (complete 20 out of 30 problems) in order for the entire class to receive the reinforcer (5 minutes free time) ‘One for All’: Dependent Group Contingency The target student must achieve his/her goal (complete 10 of 20 problems) in order for all students in the class to receive the reinforcer (extra recess) ‘To Each his/her Own’ : Independent Group-Contingency Each student receives the reinforcer (extra free time) based on his/her own performance (completing the required assignment)
16 Active Engagement Students are less likely to engage in problem behavior if they are actively engaged in learning. Decrease lecture and increase opportunities to respond Vary response groups (individual, groups, pairs, left-side/right-side, blonds/brunettes) Use alternative response methods Visual: thumbs up/down, ‘Response Cards’ - yes/no, true/false Whiteboard, clickers, computer voting Offer choices: where to complete an assignment, which items to complete, who to work with, type of instrument used Enthusiasm and humor Link class engagement with outcome Knock off a couple of homework questions based on classroom participation
17 Methods of Student Engagement Individual Response Boards and Cards Gestures Clicker, Buzzers, Computer
18 Problem Solving Steps Step 1: Problem Identification Step 2: Problem Analysis Step 3: Intervention Design Step 4: Response to Intervention Why is it occurring? What is the problem? What are we going to do about it? Is it working?
19 Classroom Problem-Solving Steps 1 & 2: Problem Identification and Analysis: What are the most significant problem behaviors? What are the most problematic routines? When are the behaviors occurring most often? Why are the behaviors occurring? –Get/obtain; avoid/escape What classroom interventions have been implemented? Did the interventions work? Is there a need for alternative interventions?
20 Response to Classroom Behavior Once patterns are identified: Be Proactive: Alter the environment to prevent behaviors from occurring Antecedents, environmental variables Teach Replacement Behaviors to use in place of the problem behavior Match the function of the problem behavior Reinforce the appropriate replacement behavior Increases the use of the appropriate behavior Decreases use of problem behavior
21 Classroom Assistance Tool
22 Activity As a Group: Review the Classroom Assistance Tool ‘What’s New?’ Section on FLPBS Homepage Brainstorm strategies for introducing the tool to a teacher for use in the classroom. Discuss ways to use the tool to assist teachers in addressing problem behaviors and/or areas in the classroom.
23 Classroom Problem-Solving Steps 3 & 4: Intervention Design and Evaluation Tool: Classroom Consultation Guide Who should use the Guide? Individuals and/or teams supporting classroom teachers SWPBS team, RtI team, School Psych, Guidance Counselor Classroom teachers Purpose of the Guide: Provide a variety of tools Environment, Behavior System, Curriculum & Instruction Uses data to assess & evaluate classroom systems Utilizes the 4-step problem-solving process Classroom%20Consultation%20Guide.pdf
24 Guide has links within the document. To return to the Table of Contents press alt + left arrow key
25 Activity As a Group: Explore the Classroom Consultation Guide Classroom%20Consultation%20Guide.pdf Classroom%20Consultation%20Guide.pdf Divide into groups/pairs and review sections of the guide Determine 2 areas of particular interest in each section Report back to the group
26 Next Steps Group Discussion: How are classrooms identified as needing additional supports? Number of referrals from a teacher Several students from the same class Repeated requests for behavioral assistance What tool(s) are used to assess the classroom management? Classroom Assistance Tool Observations How is progress be monitored? Classroom Assistance Tool Decrease in referrals Who collects and monitors the data? PBS Coach, RtI Coach, Administrator, School Psych, etc