4/26/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar2 CoffeeCoffee Cell phones – off or on VibrateCell phones – off or on Vibrate Restroom facilitiesRestroom facilities Fire exitsFire exits Water fountainWater fountain Outside smoking areasOutside smoking areas Emergency calls during classEmergency calls during class Emergency contact after class if you are not staying in this hotelEmergency contact after class if you are not staying in this hotel GENERAL INFORMATION
4/26/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar3 Beginning time:8:30 A.M. Ending time: 5:00 P.M. Class hours may be changed if we have lunch hour conflicts. Scheduled ending time of the course: 5:00 PM Thursday COURSE SCHEDULE If you have transportation conflicts, please let us know and we will do what we can to accommodate you.
4/26/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar4 Student Evaluations should be taken throughout the Course and will be taken seriously for the Course’s further development.Student Evaluations should be taken throughout the Course and will be taken seriously for the Course’s further development. This course is constantly evolving based on student comments and software development.This course is constantly evolving based on student comments and software development. Fill out comments throughout the class.Fill out comments throughout the class. Send to to –With your comments
4/26/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar5 Problems?? For hotel -- Notify the hotel management.For hotel -- Notify the hotel management. If hotel cannot resolve, notify an Instructor. Hotel per diem rate … verify.Hotel per diem rate … verify. Problems in Course -- Notify an Instructor.Problems in Course -- Notify an Instructor. If you have a special or medical need: Let us know so we can get you started in the right direction.If you have a special or medical need: Let us know so we can get you started in the right direction.
4/26/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar6 And Now for Important Questions: How do I get a shuttle to airport? Check at the Front Desk for times shuttles return to airport.How do I get a shuttle to airport? Check at the Front Desk for times shuttles return to airport. Where can I get something to eat?Where can I get something to eat? What is there to do after class?What is there to do after class?
4/26/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar7 Course Overview Lecture … basic concepts, thenLecture … basic concepts, then Hands-On … within the software, to cover each LectureHands-On … within the software, to cover each Lecture Practical Exercises - planning, setup, calibration, data collection, data processing, final productsPractical Exercises - planning, setup, calibration, data collection, data processing, final products Focus Towards: In-house survey personnel, vessel operators, office data processing personnel No prior experience in Multibeam surveying is required for this course … we will try to cover basics and then some.
4/26/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar8 Class Introductions NameName OrganizationOrganization Present PositionPresent Position What do you expect from this course?What do you expect from this course? Optional InfoOptional Info Hydrographic and Multibeam Surveying Experience Hydrographic and Multibeam Surveying Experience –Years –Equipment & Software –Types of vessels
4/26/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar9 JOE BURNETT Graduated from the University of Kentucky with a degree in Mathematics (1987). Graduated from the University of Kentucky with a degree in Mathematics (1987). Hired by the US Army Corps of Engineers -- St. Louis District in 1994 as a Geodesist. Hired by the US Army Corps of Engineers -- St. Louis District in 1994 as a Geodesist. Prior to the USACE, he worked for three (3) years with a Civil Engineering / Surveying firm as a hydrographic and land survey party chief. His experiences as a party chief included hydrographic surveying, urban and rural boundary surveys, and construction stakeout. Prior to the USACE, he worked for three (3) years with a Civil Engineering / Surveying firm as a hydrographic and land survey party chief. His experiences as a party chief included hydrographic surveying, urban and rural boundary surveys, and construction stakeout. Since 1995 he has collected, processed, and delivered the end product of Odom, Innerspace, and Ross Singlebeam data, Ross multi-transducer data, RESON multi-beam data, RDI ADCP data, and RoxAnn Seabed Indentification data, on board the M/V Boyer. Since 1995 he has collected, processed, and delivered the end product of Odom, Innerspace, and Ross Singlebeam data, Ross multi-transducer data, RESON multi-beam data, RDI ADCP data, and RoxAnn Seabed Indentification data, on board the M/V Boyer. In 1998, became an Instructor for the Hydrographic Survey Techniques PROSPECT course for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and has also served on the panel that revised the Corps-wide Engineering Manual and Engineer Circulars on Hydrographic Surveying. In 1998, became an Instructor for the Hydrographic Survey Techniques PROSPECT course for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and has also served on the panel that revised the Corps-wide Engineering Manual and Engineer Circulars on Hydrographic Surveying. In 2007, he completed the first complete multibeam survey of Pearl Harbor for the Navy. In 2007, he completed the first complete multibeam survey of Pearl Harbor for the Navy. Since September of 2008, he has become an integral part of the Technical Support Team at HYPACK Inc. Since September of 2008, he has become an integral part of the Technical Support Team at HYPACK Inc.
4/26/2015HYPACK® Multibeam Training Seminar10 MIKE KALMBACH B.S. in Mathematics from Western Michigan University (1978). B.S. in Mathematics from Western Michigan University (1978). M.S. in Geophysics from the University of Connecticut (1991). M.S. in Geophysics from the University of Connecticut (1991). HYPACK, Inc. since HYPACK, Inc. since Multibeam data collection, editing and calibration programs.Multibeam data collection, editing and calibration programs. First automated MB patch test in a commercial software package. Now widely copied!First automated MB patch test in a commercial software package. Now widely copied! Multibeam performance testing (with USACE).Multibeam performance testing (with USACE). Software for sidescan data collection and mosaic.Software for sidescan data collection and mosaic. Multibeam and sidescan training materials for HYPACK conferences and seminars.Multibeam and sidescan training materials for HYPACK conferences and seminars.