Welcome to MIT Physical Education Mr. Contreras Rm. 118
Welcome to Mr. Contreras PE class, I hope you had a great summer. It is now time to get back into school mode and learn!! Classroom expectations: 1.Be Ready to come to class 2.Be Respectful to everyone 3.Participate and encourage others 4.Try your best and be Safe 5.Have fun while following instructions
Grading Grades are based on the following categories: –_____% Participation –_____% Attendance –_____% Homework –_____% Tests & Quizzes –_____% Extra Credit Our Grading Scale % = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D Below 59% = F
Grading is mostly based on effort and participation. Group grading is also a major part of teamwork, collaboration, and respecting everyone. I expect everyone to help and encourage one another and abide classroom rules. Any questions?
Instruction Time and following Rules -Each lesson will include instruction time, (demonstrations, group work, discussions), activity time (drills), and closure time (reflection, clean up, feedback). -After each unit, students will be assigned homework on Edmodo.com (code will be provided).
Restroom Breaks and Electronic Use - Restroom & water breaks are only allowed before and after class (locker room time or during water breaks) -If its an emergency, only one student at a time can go to the restroom with a pass -No Cell Phones or any electronic use during class time or it will be taken and returned at the end of the day. Multiple violations: Electronics will be delivered to the office for parents to pick up.
LOCKER Room Policy 1) All PE locks will cost $5 for a deposit fee. 2) All students will be issued a locker # and be given a lock that is already secured in place on their respective locker #’s. 3) Lockers shall not be used to store items which cause an interference with school. If so, school personnel have the rights to inspect a locker. 4) It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that their items are secured in a bag inside the locker. 5) All students must check that their lock is secured before leaving the locker room which includes pulling down on the lock to make sure it doesn’t open. 6) Nothing may be stored over night in your PE locker other than your PE clothes, shoes, and deodorant. 7) Sharing of lockers is not allowed. 8) Students will only have access to the locker room during their PE period.
Where do I sit? -Seating arrangements will be assigned. It may be changed depending on the students’ behavior. -Group and team arrangements will be assigned as well. You may not switch teams after it has been made!!
Form one big circle: Each student will go around and say their name and act out their favorite hobby, sport, or activity. Ice Breaker