Classroom Rules To be a good citizen we must follow the rules.
If I am not paying attention and saying these rules now, I will lose a smiley face.
I do not hit, talk ugly, or be unkind to my classmates. (I only tattle when I am involved.)
I must raise my hand in order to talk. (I do not just start talking to the teacher.)
I must wait, listen, and then follow directions.
My work always comes first.
I must work and play quietly inside.
I do not sing, hum, whistle or talk loudly while othersare working.
I need to try to solve my problem, before I ask the teacher to solve it for me.
If I have lost something in my desk, I must find it. It is my responsibility.
I use a quiet voice in the classroom.
I ask questions before my teacher begins reading group.
I do not interrupt my teacher during reading group work.
I follow the classroom rules for the restroom, library, AR, recess, and centers.
I use the SILENT signs in the classroom.
If I break the rules I will write what I did wrong, and what I should have done instead.