How many laps would you have to run around a quarter mile track to run 3 miles? 12 laps!
Introduce Myself Family 13 years at Tapp 2 years at Smitha 4 th year at McEachern Myself as a highschooler – Boy Scouts and uniform day – Sports: good at football, bad at track – Friends had same interests – Appearance: Crystal and nose, Shane and hair – What I say does hurt/not everyone is “just playing”: Carol and the cry
Focus of the Class: Thinking Challenge you to think about what you know - what you have been told – and how you learn. Math is not magical it is real: Show me Work math by doing math: don’t waist time! Lots of problem solving
Your Mathematical Tool Belt A way to think about math and the world. – Your math belt has tools (skills) – Skills like +, -, X, ÷, combine like terms, solve equations,ext – Diagnose the problem – Each tool is designed for a different job – Choose the tool: looks, practice, & results Mechanic, Doc., Carpenter, Artist, Architect, basically all jobs Reading skills are important!!
Conduct: S, N, U Be kind to one another Redirect –vs- Confrontation – Confrontation interrupts the learning Notes: writing / passing / reading / reaction Cell phones and listening devices Grooming: lipstick / where does it end ….. Proper place Gum: don’t deny having – confrontation Drinks Talking is ……….. Need materials and need to work / use time wisely Restroom: correct way to ask No free time: have something to study …….. HOMEWORK
Conduct: S, N, U Time to deal with behavior: DETENTION! Listen and Communicate – What don’t you understand? Take pride in your work ………. Your Learning!
My Goals Ownership: learning is yours (automobile) Present math in a way that makes sense = 75 Fraction with forward slash Make it interesting and yes even fun Give you lots of chances to be successful For you to recognize what you have to do to learn
Math Autobiography Write an autobiography using math terms.