Procedures: Eagle Tardy System will begin the 2 nd week of school on Tuesday, September 4, Each teacher will take attendance each class period. Any changes from absences to tardy must be ed to Mr. Ibarra or Ms. Arcos ( ) in the Attendance Office by the end of each school day, 4:15 After 3 classroom tardies, teachers will contact parents; call logs will need to be turned in by lunch on Monday for the previous week. During 7 th period daily, teachers will remind students of any assigned detentions.
Students must carry their school ID’s and present it when requested at all times. Consequence System: 3 rd tardy = Teacher-Parent contact with call log 4 th tardy = Warning of detention 5 th tardy = 1 hour detention 6 th tardy = Mandatory Parent Conference, detention and attendance contract 7 th + tardy = Saturday school, ISS, or Suspension
Do not admit students into your class if they are late unless they have: A PLASCO issued ticket that either gives them a tardy/pass (excused or unexcused) We must be consistent with the procedures for PLASCO to work
PLASCO will not only track tardies but will also: Track dress code violations and issue consequences Track positive behavior in support of PBIS and issue rewards
Free Dress Bracelet Fast Pass to front of lunch line Get out of detention free ticket Football tickets If you have any ideas that are of no or minimal monetary cost, let us know!
MUST BE All teachers MUST BE at their doors to greet students while actively monitoring the hallways during each passing period WALK AND TALK (encourage students to keep moving) Classroom Management Plans must Be Utilized and Clearly Outlined to Students Include Parent/Guardian Contact Log Follow correct discipline process by sending discipline referrals to the appropriate grade level administrator
Step 1Teacher Management Techniques Step 2Teacher/Student Documented Conference Step 3Parent Contact (phone log) Step 4Teacher/Student Conference with a plan of action and parent contact Step 5Counselor/Student Conference Step 6Teacher/Student/Parent Conference Step 7Teacher/Student/Parent/Administrator Conference
Serious offenses which should be directed immediately to administration: Fighting Profanity or verbal abuse towards staff Threatening staff and/or a blatant confrontation with staff Possession of a weapon, drugs and/or paraphernalia Theft/vandalism of school property
ISS is a short term placement for dress code violations or disruptive conduct in the classroom OCI is a long term placement for repeated violations of the student code of conduct Only an administrator may assign a students to ISS OR OCI
Student referral must be submitted electronically through Outlook to the appropriate grade level administrator (Form F11-B) Referral form is available on our website:
For school safety, hall passes are NOT to be issued the first 10minutes of class and the last 10 minutes of class! Students must have a completed hall pass with a teacher’s signature before leaving class to go to the restroom, the counselor’s office, or any location designated by the teacher. Hall passes must have the date, time, class period, room number, destination, and proper signatures.
When issued a hall pass, students are expected to report directly to the designated location only and to return promptly. A student found without a hall pass will be sent to an administrator.
Official Spirit T-shirts may be used in lieu of White or Purple polo style shirts/blouses (under shirts must be school colors) Khaki pants and shorts (no oversized t-shirts or micro shorts will be allowed) Hair color must be natural Foot ware – No flip flops or Slip on sliders Caps, visors or other head apparel are not allowed in the building Spike belts, collars or bracelets; heavy link chains, or wallet chains on belt loops will not be allowed Mesh Back Packs are encouraged
Please no food, drinks, or big Styrofoam cups in the classrooms during instructional time. Food in classrooms before or after school must be monitored and supervised by a teacher. (Students must have an official pass to carry) We must model this behavior.
s intended for “001” distribution must be official school business. (ex. Clubs and organization advertisements, game schedules and events) All other s for 001 distribution should be sent to an administrator for approval and will be forwarded to 001. If an is forwarded to 001 by an administrator, please respond to the originator of the . Please remember outlook is school district property and not intended for personal use.
Faculty and staff must: Receive prior administrative approval to leave campus during the school day(except during the 30 minute duty free lunch) Fill out the appropriate form. The Green Form is for school business and Pink Form is for leaving campus during the school day. (The sign-in and out binder will be kept by Ms. Vargas) Sign-in and out for the school day in the main office
We are here to support you! Please or text us if you have any questions or concerns! Mobile phone numbers: Ms. Lynch (210) – 9 th grade Mr. Flores (210) – 10 th grade Mr. Harrell (210) – 11 th grade Ms. Vasquez (210) – 12 th grade Mr. Ortiz (210) Principal