SOAR to Success!
Classroom S afe Hands, feet and objects to self Stay in your assigned space Use classroom materials appropriately O n-Task SLANT Follow directions first time Give 100% A ccountable Be prepared Take ownership R espectful Kind words, kind actions Use appropriate voice level Disagree appropriately
Cafeteria S afe Walk Keep hands, feet, objects to self Eat only YOUR food O n-Task Follow directions Check your tray Eat first, then visit A ccountable Be prepared Appropriate voice level Ask to leave seat R espectful Be polite Good table manners Keep it clean
Restroom/Water Fountain S afe Keep floor dry Drink from top O n-Task Use restroom, wash hands, back to class 1 pump 2 pulls 1, 2, 3 that’s enough for me A ccountable Toilet paper in toilet Flush Paper towels in trash R espectful Respect privacy and personal space Voices off If restroom is full, wait by entrance
Library S afe Walk Use shelf markers appropriately O n-Task Use time wisely Listen attentively to the speaker A ccountable Return materials on time Keep materials in the proper place R espectful Use appropriate voice level Be kind to people and things
Hallway S afe Walk on the right Alert teacher when someone is at outside door O n-Task Eyes forward Walk directly to assigned area A ccountable Follow directions Stop at all perch points R espectful “Stride with pride” Respect personal space
Arrival/Dismissal S afe Walk on the right Wear backpacks appropriately Enter/exit through designated doors O n-Task Walk directly to assigned area Keep moving A ccountable Be on time Follow directions R espectful Greet appropriately Appropriate voice level Respect personal space and property
Buses S afe Stay seated on your pockets Keep backpack on lap Back against the seat O n-Task Follow directions Hands and feet to yourself Face the front A ccountable Stay in assigned seat Keep objects in backpack R espectful Appropriate voice level Kind words, kind actions Keep area clean
Playground S afe Use hands, feet, and equipment appropriately Talk only to Emery Eagles Walk to line up O n-Task Listen for whistle - stop, squat, silent Follow directions Line up quickly and quietly A ccountable Return all equipment to designated area Locate teacher for help Stay in assigned areas R espectful Kind words, kind actions Take turns Be a good sport
DMC (Discipline Management Class) S afe Hands, feet and objects to self Stay in your assigned space Use materials appropriately O n-Task Complete assignments Follow directions first time Ask for assistance when needed A ccountable Take ownership of actions Accept consequences Speak in Formal Register R espectful Kind words, kind actions Use appropriate voice level Disagree appropriately when needed