Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Developing Expectations Northwest AEA September 7, 2010
Major portions of the following material were developed by: George Sugai and Rob Horner OSEP Funded Technical Assistance Center In conjunction with The Iowa Department of Education
Establishing a School-wide Discipline System Define School-wide Behavioral Expectations Teach School-wide Behavioral Expectation Monitor and Acknowledge Appropriate Behavior Use a Continuum of Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior
Goals Review reasons for discipline problems across school settings Determine what “Common Areas” need clearly defined expectations Develop 3-5 positively stated expectations. Develop the School-Wide Behavioral Expectations Matrix
Instructional Discipline “When it comes to discipline, it does not make sense for educators to use the criminal justice model first, before employing what they were professionally prepared to use-educational and mentoring approaches.” Father Gathercoal, Judicious Discipline, 1993
Instructional Discipline “ Social Skills should be taught to children using the same strategies that are used to teach academic skills- direct instruction, practice, feedback.” Colvin and Sugai, 1988
Primary Prevention: School-wide/Classroom/ Non-classroom Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Targeted Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR INTERVENTIONS and SUPPORT This is about a school- wide strategy.
“Phoenix Experience”
Orange County, CA
School-Wide Systems Non Classroom Setting Systems Classroom Systems Individual Student Support Systems
What is a non-classroom (common) area? Any area of the school not under the direct and consistent supervision of one adult.
Classroom vs. Non-classroom Classroom Teacher directed Instructionally focused Small # of predictable students Non-classroom Student focused Social emphasis Large # of unpredictable students
Non-classroom areas What are some common areas in your school?
Common areas - Did you miss any? Lunchroom Playground Bus stops Hallways Restrooms Dismissal/arrival areas Parking lots
Why are common areas often a problem? Unclear expectations, Insufficient supervision, Inconsistent supervision, Ineffective supervision, Insufficient menu of consequences, Lack of recognition of positive behavior, Expectations have not been taught.
Non-classroom Settings Events in non-classroom settings affect classroom activities Administrators must be continuously diligent Active supervision by all staff is key All staff should be involved
Establish School-wide Discipline System - Developing Expectations Develop Expectations Matrix Using Your 3-5 Positively Stated Expectations State specific expectations for each location Not too many, not too few Stated positively Get input and feedback from staff Get input from students as appropriate
Expectation By Settings Matrix Location 1Location 2Location 3Location 4Location 5Location 6 Expectation 1 Expectation 2 Expectation 3 Expectation 4 Expectation 5
At Park Avenue, we are people of character. We are respectful. We are responsible. We care. All Areas ResponsibleRespectfulCaring Follow adult directions the first time Take responsibility for your words and actions Use polite language and respectful voice Keep hands, body and objects to self Treat others the way You want to be treated Keep Park Avenue clean, safe, & healthy Cafeteria Get all food and utensils 1 st time Keep area neat and clean Raise hand and wait for permission to leave Use line basics when entering Keep place in line Take the first milk you touch Use good manners HallwayGo directly to where you need to go Carry hall pass Walk on right side unless otherwise directed Use line basics when entering building Wait for passing lines Hold doors for others Playground Use school equipment correctly and safely Follow Park Avenue game rules Line up immediately when bell rings Get permission to leave playground Keep hands feet & objects to self Enter Building using line basics Use respectful language Include everyone Try to solve problems appropriately Report injuries to a playground supervisor RestroomTake restroom pass and nothing else Use/flush/Wash/Leave Keep restroom clean Respect the privacy of others Wait quietly and patiently for your turn Report problems to an adult immediately
RAH – at Adams City High School (Respect – Achievement – Honor) RAHClassroom Hallway/ Commons CafeteriaBathrooms Respect Be on time; attend regularly; follow class rules Keep location neat, keep to the right, use appropriate lang., monitor noise level, allow others to pass Put trash in cans, push in your chair, be courteous to all staff and students Keep area clean, put trash in cans, be mindful of others’ personal space, flush toilet Achievement Do your best on all assignments and assessments, take notes, ask questions Keep track of your belongings, monitor time to get to class Check space before you leave, keep track of personal belongings Be a good example to other students, leave the room better than you found it Honor Do your own work; tell the truth Be considerate of yours and others’ personal space Keep your own place in line, maintain personal boundaries Report any graffiti or vandalism
RAH – Athletics RAHPracticeCompetitionsEligibilityLetteringTeam Travel Respect Listen to coaches directions; push yourself and encourage teammates to excel. Show positive sportsmanship; Solve problems in mature manner; Positive inter- actions with refs, umps, etc. Show up on time for every practice and competition. Show up on time for every practice and competition; Compete x%. Take care of your own possessions and litter; be where you are directed to be. Achievement Set example in the classroom and in the playing field as a true achiever. Set and reach for both individual and team goals; encourage your teammates. Earn passing grades; Attend school regularly; only excused absences Demonstrate academic excellence. Complete your assignments missed for team travel. Honor Demonstrate good sportsmanship and team spirit. Suit up in clean uniforms; Win with honor and integrity; Represent your school with good conduct. Show team pride in and out of the school. Stay out of trouble – set a good example for others. Suit up for any competitions you are not playing. Show team honor. Cheer for teammates. Remember you are acting on behalf of the school at all times and demonstrate team honor/pride.
P Perseverance Holding to a course of action despite obstacles Stay positive Set goals Learn from mistakes R Respect To show consideration, appreciation, and acceptance Respect yourself Respect others Demonstrate appropriate language and behavior I Integrity Adherence to an agreed upon code of behavior Be responsible Do your own work Be trustworthy and trust others D Discipline Managing ones self to achieve goals and meet expectations Strive for consistency Attend class daily; be on time Meet deadlines; do your homework E Excellence Being of finest or highest quality Do your personal best Exceed minimum expectations Inspire excellence in others NEHS website, Oct. 26, 2004
Expectation Matrix - Work Time Begin to develop the matrix for your school. Use Blank Matrix to Brainstorm Final Product - Include in PBIS Products Book
References Father Gathercoal, Judicious Discipline, 1993 Colvin and Sugai, 1988