Mr. Harris’s Classroom Expectations and Procedures The nuts and bolts of how everything will work this year!
Materials you will need for class: You will always need to bring paper, something to write with, and a book to read. If you do not have a book, I will provide one for you. You will need to get a folder with prongs and pockets to keep your warm-ups and writing pieces in. On occasion, you will need art supplies for some projects that we do in class.
S.S.R. (Silent Sustained Reading) You will be required to read one novel each nine weeks. The book must be a chapter book with a plot, setting, and characters. It can be either fiction or non-fiction. Before the end of each nine weeks, you will create a SSR one pager over your novel. This will count as a MAJOR grade! You will also be graded on whether or not you are participating in SSR each week as a daily grade.
Reading Stars I really want to recognize readers in the classroom this year. Though you are required to read one novel per six weeks, I am hoping that we will make reading goals this year to read more than is required. Maybe you can aim for two books each nine weeks which would be 8 books, or even 10. We will talk about this in class, but it be your own personal goal, but we will recognize success in the classroom.
Vocabulary Friday Every Friday you will be assigned a new set of vocabulary words. You will need to complete the vocabulary handouts for homework, which will include looking up the definitions and complete some word activities. The packets are due the following Friday when you take your vocabulary quiz.
Assignments and Homework We don’t have a lot of homework in class, other than having to sometimes read at home or to study for test and quizzes, but you want to make sure you always get your work in on time! If you turn work in late, you will loose up to 30 points off you grade…which means the highest you can get is a 70. Also, if you have a missing assignment, you can get assigned to Homework Lab during lunch or after school, which is NO FUN!!!!
Absences and Retests It is your responsibility to find out what you missed if you are absent. District policy gives students three days after an absence to make-up missing work, however, I will always work with students under extenuating circumstances. For major grades, whether tests or projects, that receive a failing grade, students may resubmit the assignment or retake the test and earn up to a 70. Retesting must be done during the grading period and students are responsible for arranging a time to retake the test.
Classroom Expectations… Be Prepared- Be in your seat before the Tardy Bell Bring Materials like your agenda, paper, something to write with, and novel to class everyday Turn in assignments on time Take care of business during passing periods, such as going to the restroom.
Classroom Expectations… Be Respectful- Show respect for everyone at all times Raise your hand to speak Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Wait to be dismissed by Mrs. Holcomb-Bryan, even if the bell has rang.
Classroom Expectations… Be on Task- Do your work and turn it in on time! Remain in your seat unless given permission to leave. No running or horse playing. Be respectful of other classes around us and used indoor voices. Do what your teacher asks immediately.
How each class period will look… Warm-up and SSR- as soon as the tardy bell rings, you need to sit down, be quiet and begin your warm-up. Whole Group Instruction- This is Mr. Harris’s time to talk. Do not talk without raising your hand and do not get out of your seat without permission Individual Work- Sometimes I will allow you to work together and talk, but other times, you need to work on your own.
Tardies This week, we’ll give you a little time to adjust, but starting next week, you need to get to class on time, everytime!!! Your first & second tardy, I will give you a warning! Your third tardy, you will be assigned lunch detention and I will call home to mom and dad. Your fourth tardy, you will be assigned to afterschool detention. Finally a fifth tardy and anything after that will get you a referral and put in ISS.
Restroom Passes You will get three passes each nine weeks, but once you use them all, that’s it, you won’t get any more. You will need to use the restroom during passing periods or in another class. So use them wisely!
Filling out your agenda At the beginning of each class, you will be required to fill out your agenda for Language Arts. This is a organizational practice that will help you throughout school. These will be checked randomly.