Welcome to Mrs. Levinson & Mrs. Fishman’s Class
Is 3 rd grade hard? Common Core Curriculum EVRC/Accelerated Reader Program Daily Writing Practice Vocabulary Guided Math Addition and Subtraction Facts (should already be mastered) Multiplication & Division Facts (should be mastered by the end of 3 rd grade) Science & Social Studies Research Projects IOWA, CoGat, Georgia Milestones Test
Daily Schedule 7:20-8:00- Morning Work/ Announcements 8:00-9:15- Math 9:20-10:10- Guided Reading/ Restroom/Snack (Tuesday: Media Center 9:15-9:45) 10:10-10:40- Grammar/ Vocabulary (Mrs. Baker) 10:45-11:30- Enrichment 11:30-11:40- Restroom 11:40-12:10-Writing 12:15-12:45- Lunch 12:50-1:10- Recess 1:10-1:20- Restroom 1:20-1:55- Soc. Studies (M,W- Mrs. Baker)/ Science (T, F- Mrs. Levinson) 2:00-2:10- Math Review 2:10-2:20- Pack-up/ Dismissal What will we do all day?
Discipline Procedures Behavior Expectations Consistent across teachers Control chatter to maximize learning Work together as a team to earn points: Treasure Box on Friday to winning team! First warning = name on board Second warning = note home & in class consequence Further occurrences may result in time out in another classroom or even office referrals.
What homework will we have? Weekly Homework: Reading: Log Due Friday- 60 minutes Spelling: HW Due Thursday- 2 choices from Spelling Contract Math: 3-4 nights per week Science & Social Studies: Study Guides for quizzes
Do I really have to go to school? Attendance (notes) Instruction time is important. Please plan family vacations with the school calendar in mind. School begins at 7:50 A.M. Children who arrive after 7:50 A.M. must stop by the office to sign in with a parent. Please see EV handbook for more info on excused/unexcused absences. Breakfast and Lunch Breakfast is $1.25 and is served from 7:20-7:45 a.m. Lunch is $2.15 for students and $3.25 for adults. Extra milk is.50. Place all money in an envelope with your child’s name, my name and what the money is for.
Possible Field Trips Performing Arts The Capitol Fernbank High Touch, High Tech ~All field trips are tentative until further notice.
How can my parents/family help? Room Rep PTA Committees Media Moms/Dads Art Print Special Projects-at home or at school (as needed)
How will my parents know what happens in my class? ~Green Folder: please check papers & HW ~Agendas: please initial daily ~Blog: 2-3 times a month ~ is my preferred method of communication. ~Phone:
How can I make this the best year ever? Teacher To build good character and create life-long learners To provide a safe, risk-free environment To teach students the tools for clear communication and skills for life Student To be caring and responsible individuals To work toward all academic goals To demonstrate problem solving, and communication skills throughout the year To strive for their best on all assessments.
Reminders… New Report Cards: 3, 2, 1 (3+ only in Range of Reading Category) Healthy snack: No cookies or candy! Birthdays: ~Birthdays will not be celebrated during instructional time. ~Please feel free to join your child for lunch and distribute cookies or cupcakes. ~Invitations may be passed out at school only if ALL children from the class are invited. ~Teachers are not permitted to give out addresses or phone numbers. Dismissal changes must be written form not .